I'm very excited to announce that I made the orchestra! You can see my name on their orchestra roster page. My first rehearsal is November 3rd- which means I'll have to devote more time to practicing and less time to writing and editing during concert season, but that's a choice I'm willing to make. I'll still try to get in what I can. Having two careers, I have to juggle between them. I'm always thinking about how much to devote to each one to keep them both going. My writing is off to a great start this coming year with five upcoming releases, so I can lay back a bit and work on my flute career.
My first concert will be their Holiday Pops concert on November 30th:
The program will include:
Anderson Sleigh Ride
Tchaikovsky Nutcracker selections
Vivaldi Bassoon concerto or Corelli Christmas concerto
Handel Messiah selections
Brazilian Sleigh Bells
Bartok - Romanian Christmas Songs (arr. Latham)
Adams - Lollapalooza
Berlin White Christmas
I've played a lot of these songs before. Although there are some difficult flute solos in the Nutcracker, some of them, like Handel's Messiah, don't have flute at all, so it should be a pretty easy first concert.
Thank you to everyone who supported me through this process!
Woot! That's so great, Aubrie! Congratulations!!
Congrats, Aubrie!
Congrats Aubrie. Best of luck. Looks like a great selection of holiday music.
Awesome news! Congratulations! :)
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