I'm very excited to welcome fellow Blue Ridge author, Debbie Archer, to my blog today to talk about how she chose Blue Ridge Literary Agency.
1. What got you interested in writing?
I became interested in junior high. My mom loved to write and my dad was a wonderful artist. My English teacher was a master storyteller. They wove a love of all things creative into my heart.
2. What is your writing about?
Life. The funny side, the darker side, and the everyday nudges we receive.
3. How did you find Dawn at Blue Ridge Literary Agency?
From the newsletter I receive from Guide to Literary Agents. I'd just returned home from a national conference where I was slated to meet with agents. By the time I left, I had three requests for proposals and I was "over the moon." The appointments were cordial, exciting, adrenaline-driven and intense, but lacking in something I couldn't define. I came home, calmed down, readied my submissions then I received the update from GLA and saw Dawns name and bio. I knew I needed to submit to HER. When she phoned I realized what had been lacking in my earlier contacts. While the others had all been professional, courteous and precious, Dawn was all those things PLUS she was interested in my vision - not just in one genre but in the diversity of my portfolio.
4. What are you currently working on?
A contemporary YA piece (realistic fiction) and a cozy series with romantic comedy elements. In addition, there's a non-fiction piece that's simmering on the back burner, but it's still in the beginning stages. :0
5. Where can we find you to keep up with your writing journey? Blog? Twitter?
My website is www.debbiearcher.com and I LOVE adding new friends to my Facebook. New Year's resolution #1 is blogging CONSISTENTLY! I'm horrible about that. I have to get it through my head that I HAVE to divide my writing time into two categories - social media and whatever my current writing project is.
6. What influences your writing?
Those daily nudges I mentioned earlier. I really do believe God places words in every writer's heart that simply MUST be written. For me, He offers situations daily that demand my attention. For most people, they see the event, acknowledge it, and move on. Writers carry it two steps further. We analyze those occurrences, then process it through our writing. If we do it well enough, it becomes a scene that readers don't just read, they remember long after they've finished the book.
7. Where do you see yourself going with writing in the future?
I'll write what's lodged in my head! As you know, those ideas tend to dig in their heels and stay there until we get them on paper or screen.
I love those books that stay with me long after I've finished them! Great answers, and thank you for introducing yourself! Good luck with finding a publishing company! Dawn is amazing, and I know she'll find the right place for your work.
Congrats on finding a literary agent! Best wishes when you go out on submission too.
Thx, Cherie!
Congrats on finding an agent!
I'm thrilled to be with Dawn. This lady knows the book biz. Thanks, Nicole!
Great interview! I love reading about a Writer's journey. :)
Congratulations on finding the agent that's right for you! Great interview :)
Racquet! I love your name! I always wanted to be a Racquel. So exotic. But, nooooo. Mom had to go with Debbie! : )
Why Avery Cove! Speaking of gorgeous names...
You're my hero!
... and you're my hero, Ilene! One of us runs marathons, girl - and it's not me. Oh, what I'd give to be skinny, in shape AND write award-winning stories. Girl, you've got it all!
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