Wyvern Publications, my publisher for The Voices of Ire, is holding a contest for a publishing contract. There is an entry fee, but I think it may be worth it if you have a teen novel you couldn't get an agent for just sitting around. The due date's not until December, so there's even enough time to write a completely new teen novel by then, especially if you do one for NaNoWriMo in November.
This is taken right off their website:
"Please send in the first chapter of your completed novel, a one page complete synopsis, and payment with the entry form (see downloads at the bottom of this page). We're looking for unique teen fiction in any genre. We want something fresh, engaging and character driven. No extreme violence, sex or profanity please.
Closing date is 12 December 2010 and the winner is announced 5 May 2011. The most promising entry will win a full novel and synopsis critique worth £350 and a publishing contract.
Post entries to: Wyvern Publications, 29 Nash Close, Lawford, Essex, CO11 2LE. E-mail submissions for non UK residents only please..."
Anyone going to enter? If so, I'll help you out and read your chapter before you send it in!
oooh. I'm in the midst of working on a YA project right now. I'll definitely remember this :) Thanks for the heads-up!
I think this sounds perfect for me! Thanks for letting us know about it :)
I'll for sure consider it and can maybe get my YA novel done by then. Thanks. :)
Wow. If only I were writing a teen novel.
In fact, YA is so hugely popular, I just may!!!!!
I may just attempt this one Aubrie. Thanks for offering to read a chapter. Very generous of you. Thanks for info..:)
I need to polish my YA novel, and work on continuing the series, but this sounds interesting. Thanks for letting me know.
I'm "shopping" my YA fantasy to agents right now, but if I reach a certain number without success, I'm going for the small publishers/contests next. Thanks for posting and I may be sending my first chapter to you ;)
I may enter for the second installment of my Angela series. Thank you for letting us know. Please visit my web site.
Okay so I can't enter this cause mines not YA... but Aubrie I'm waiting to see your story!! Don't leave me hanging ;p
What great news! I hope my project is done by then, thank for sharing Aubrie!
Oh, Thank you for this heads up. I'm definitely interested but i'll need to check out the fees first! Thanks!
Thanks for the information! And thanks for the offer to read a chapter - that's awesome! :)
I might. It depends on if I finish editing/rewriting my manuscript in time and how any agents react to the novel.
Ooh, sounds interesting! I'll definitely keep this one in mind - thanks for letting us know!
I see your comments on so many of the blogs I follow I figured it was time to come over here and become your newest follower.
Nice ta meet ya!
Thanks Aubrie for sharing! You're awesome!
Thanks for the heads-up Aubrie. How nice of you to offer to help out!
Have a great weekend.
Thanks for letting us know. I might consider it, depending on a number of factors. :D
I am presenting you with the Versatile Blogger Award. Please visit my blog for your award. Thank you for sharing your inspirations and journeys with me through your blog.
Hey Aubrie - What a sweetie you are offering to read first chapters. You're likely going to be a very, very busy girl. =D
Love your new blog look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps. I need to know more about Wyvern first.
How much is ten pounds in US dollars? About $15 or so? That's not bad for a reading fee, really.
I'm just about to read The Voices of Ire!
Should I submit Aura?
Sweet! I was planning on starting a YA novel for NaNo this year. And you are awesome for offering to help! Only problem is, what if everybody asks you to read their first chapter in between Dec 1 and Dec 12? you are one brave soul!
Love the new background, especially since Paranormal Point of View recently profiled me as a gnome! I may try to sneak a subtle gnome into my background, too!
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