Drum Roll...........
It's the Fantasy/Sci fi Blogger Award

This Award should be given to any blogs that promote the genres of Fantasy and Science Fiction, whether it be through author interviews, reviews, your own writing, etc. The rules are: you must state 5 of your favorite fantasy/sci fi books and or movies that inspired you.
I bequeath this award to:
Cherie Reich
Lisa Rusczyk
Lindsay Duncan
Theresa Milstein
Angie Lofthouse
Nicole Zoltak
Dawn Hullender
Cher Green
Julie Dao
Alexandra Shostak
Shelia Deeth
Hywela Lynn
Sandra Cox
Christine H
Amanda Borenstadt
Melissa-Through the Looking Glass
Crystal Cook
Susan Fields
Ted Cross
If anyone else wants it, just let me know. :)
Yay! Thanks for the award!!
Thank you!!!! Woohoo!
Thank you!!!!!!
Oh, wow! I'm excited to visit all these other blogs that got the award too. Way cool! :D
Congrats to the recipients!
Sweet! Your awesome Aubrie. And you know I promote all this stuff because I was/am a devout Harry Potter fan but I bet you didn't know my story (thanks for your feedback on the teasers by the way) is actually a fantasy! (Like I could write anything else.) I'm just being really umm, secretive about plot and big picture stuff until I'm in the querying stages.
I'm going to check out all these other fantasy blogs!
Aah, cool! And thanks. Really cool graphic.
Now if only I can figure out how to get it transferred. *squint*
That is a great award.
congrats everyone.
What a fun award! I love fantasy/sci fi :)!
Very cool!!!!!
Awesome idea for a new award - congrats to the winners!
Seems odd to ask for something, but sci-fi and fantasy is what I do, so I guess I'll ask. I already know some other such blogs I'd like to pass it to.
Thank you Aubrie, and congratulations to all the winners of the award. I'm going to wander round these great blogs as soon as I get time, and meanwhile I'll try to think of just 5 books...
Thanks so much, Aubrie! That's a great award. :)
I give your award an award for the best looking award in the blogosphere. It's gorgeous!! :)
What a lovely award. Congrats to the winners!
Thanks for the award, Aubrie! I already have it proudly displayed on my sidebar. :)
Super cool award! congrats to the winners!
Thanks, Aubrie! Now I'll have to list five books I like to get the award. Not too hard.
What a great award! Thank you for bequeathing it to me. I was just thinking this week that I need to find some more Sci-Fi/Fantasy blogs. Not that I don't love all the blogs of writers in other genres, but I felt like my sci-fi blog life was somewhat lacking. You rock!
How cool is that? I love it! What a great idea. And, thank you!
(I'm taking a break from blogging this week, so I'll post it next week.)
That's a gorgeous award. Too bad I don't writing YA fantasy anymore. Maybe one day. ;)
Great award - kudos to you for making your own! :)
Congrats to the recipients.
This is such a cool reward, and the banner is gorgeous!
Wow, that's so cool! And a great way to capture people's attention and hopefully, readership! Smart cookie, you are!
Oooo it's so pretty! You can write and make pretty awards.
This is a really cool award, and so pretty too :)
Congrats to all the winners! Time for some more wonderful distractions ;)
Thank you so much. The award is cool looking. I've been thinking about doing this myself, but haven't looked into how to make the graphic.
I will show it on my blog with pride. Thank you.
You did a wonderful job designing this award :)
Thanks for the beautiful award, Aubrie!
Thanks for the award. :) Pretty pic!
Very cool award. Can't wait to check out these awesome blogs on your list! :D
Aubrie, I found so many new fantasy bloggers because of this. Thanks!
Wow! That's a cool award- great idea to recognize writers of the same genre.
You get the genius of the day award!
Ooh, I love it. Thank you:) Did you design that yourself? Its Mega cool:)
What a lovely award, absolutely gorgeous - thank you so much. I'm caught in a 'time warp' at the moment but I'll be visiting the other Blogs you've awarded it to and will post my five fav books as soon as I can.
Thanks again Aubrie, I've become a firm fan and admirer of yours since reading the beautiful 'Nebula's Music'
I'm going to check out all these other fantasy blogs!
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