First the acceptances:
My short story, Rainbow's End, has finally found a home. A Fly in Amber accepted it for their next issue. They actually vote on the stories over there, so I'll let you know when it's up so you can go over and vote for me!

And, Gypsy Shadow Publishing accepted my short story, Malicifer as a ebook.
This is the image I'm going to use as a cover:

Now the bad news, one of my partials came back as a rejection. It was a big time literary agency, so I wasn't expecting them to like it, but it stung all the same.
Here are my query stats now:
Queries sent out: 46
Partials Requested: 3 (1 rejection)
Rejections: 14
Two small wins today and one large loss. Do they balance out? What do you guys think?
To put a positive spin on things, look at it this way. At least you had three requests (so far) for partials. Sometimes that's a feat in itself.
Congrats on the acceptances. Hope someone will grab the other story soon.
Lynnette Labelle
I think that's awesome! Trust me, I would be doing cartwheels right now with those stats. :) And please do let us know when your story is up so we can check it out and vote!
Good luck with the other partials still out there!
I agree with Susan. Awesome news regarding your short stories. I love the image too!
Sorry about the rejection! But congrats on your short stories! And you got three requests for parials so that's really encouraging!! Good luck!
Beautiful book cover, Aubrie! Very haunting and intriguing. As for the rejections and acceptances, I do think they balance out. It only takes one "yes" to achieve the goal. I so admire your commitment to the craft. Looking at your body of work, anyone would be impressed. More good things are coming soon!
Yep, I'd say it balances out. Good job on the story acceptances...that's something to be proud of :)
And continued good luck with your queries!
Looove the cover. And congrats on the great news.
I can relate with the other news. We all can. But remember, it just takes one to love it. Elana Johnson has proven that . . . especially if you've seen her stats. ;)
I agree with Susan as well - you've had three requests for partials and that is fab in itself. Also great success with the short stories (and a lovely cover - really like that illustration) - this is all helping. Good luck - you'll get there. :)
Wow, two acceptances is exciting (and nice query fodder, right?)! I look forward to reading your story. Any rejection is going to sting, but 3 partials is a good sign. Hang in there! Your cover is gorgeous!
They totally balance out! That is just awesome! Don't sneeze at those acceptances good lady! You're doing great :):):)
ANd thanks for my super fun award yesterday!
The acceptances far outweigh any rejections every time :) Congrats on them!! And three partial requests kicks BUTT. You're on the right track!! Keep at it - oh, and there's an award for you over on my blog :D
I'm not surprised one bit that GSP accepted Malicifer. And, I'm glad that Rainbow's End found a home. You know I'll vote for it. *grins*
As for the rejection, that's too bad. At least they requested a partial. That's a start. :)
Yes! I think they more than balance out. You've obviously got talent if people want to publish your stuff. All rejection is tough, but you'll get through it. :)
Dance around to celebrate the acceptances, then have a moment of silence for the rejection... and then keep dancing! You're subbing, you're getting "yes"'s here and there, and I'd say that's enough to balance the negative things. :)
You're on the right track. Never give up.
Love the cover. Two out of three ain't bad. I'd say those are good statistics.
Those are good statistics. Which doesn't make the rejection any less painful, I know. But the acceptances are great! Congrats!
Um... YES! Any success in the literary world deserves to be celebrated! It's so hard to get published that this is certainly a validation of your writing. Congrats, Aubrie!
Woohoo for the acceptances! That's terrific. Hope they outweigh the sting of the rejection.
Congratulations! Do you have chocolate?
Reading your beautifully organized statistics may even get me organized and querying soon. Thank you.
Congrats on the wins. And as for the rejection, you didn't need to be with them anyway. :)
Rejoice in the positives.
Hang tight, Aubrie. It's really only a matter of time. The right story will catch the right agent at the right time. I know it's hard to be patient, but it definitely helps me to think that way. You want someone who is the most enthusiastic about your work.
It definitely balances out. Plus there is still hope. I believe that rejections come about because something bigger and better is on the horizon. Congrats on your two acceptances! I'll be voting for you whn the time comes! Also, thanks for stopping by my blog. You have no idea how much I appreciate it! :)
P.S. You said you were going to be playing "Unwritten" at a wedding. That's awesome! I play the flute too! :)
While 3 for 3 would have been better, 2 for 3 is pretty darn good! I'm sure the passing by the agent, while somewhat expected, still was a disappointment. You'd not have sent it if you didn't think you had a chance.
Hang in there and keep on submitting!
It is so great to have some short stories published. I haven't really tried that route yet, but I want to, and I can only imagine the joy the first time one gets printed.
I think that if your writing is being accepted in some way to be published, you are being acknowledged. It does suck that you were rejected but at least you have something to be excited about and you can always go forward and try again with other agencies.♥
Yes, it definitely balances out. This is great news! Congrats. :)
Good luck with the partials - I hope you have even more good news for us soon!
Many congratulations on the acceptances - and comiserations on the rejection - keep sending it out. 2 out of 3 is pretty darned good, definitely balances out!
I LOVE the design for the coovr of Malcifer - it's absolutely beautiful.
Make sure you give me a reminder about voting for Rainbows End!
Congrats on the short stories - and don't think too much about the rejections. You may have lost the battle but Iæm sure you'll win the war:)
Okay, I'll be honest...I would be crushed. Rejection STINKS!!! I'd wallow a bit, for sure....then my perky positive self would kick my sulky negative self in the got 2 acceptances! Two!!! And that means more exposure. Never a bad thing. Love the cover! Just think, one day all the rejectors will one day be clamoring for even the tiniest morsel from Aubrie Dionne...and there will be much chewing of sub-executive backsides-"Why didn't you sign her when you had the chance!?!!" It will happen. I'm sure of it!
Two acceptances! This is still excellent news Aubrie.
And I still think three requests sets you ahead of the game. Good luck. We all believe in you here so don't lose confidence in yourself!
Aubrie, these more than balance out. You have two short story acceptances. Hooray!
One rejection. As you can see from your tally, you have many more out there. I'm pulling for you.
Total balance. Take the wins with the losses -- onward and upward!
Good luck!
They definitely balanced out!! Congratulations Aubrie, have a glass of champagne to celebrate!
Hang on for the other story... time will give you the acceptance you want!
I think they definitely balance out. :)
Congrats on your sale. I love the cover art you'll use!
Wow, I think your positives way out weigh the negatives! You have two things being published! Hooray, and congrats!
Yeah, it balances out. Congratulations on the acceptances! :)
Congrats on the short stories!!!!! That is excellent--I definitely think it balances out. Because you can use those two as two more stats in your "bio" paragraph in your queries to prove to the agents that you've already been published and are worth a full request ;)
Great news on the acceptances. I love the ebook cover!
2 out of 3 is a great number.
I have Dreams of Beauty to review. I would like to be able to send you the link to the review. Could you contact me
Congrats on the acceptances. That's great news! I knew Malicifer would find a home.
Don't feel bad about the partial rejection. You still have two more out there and a bunch of queries in mailboxes.
Congratulations on the the book cover!!
Woo, congratulations on your acceptances Aubrie!!!
Congrats on the acceptances.
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