Credit for image.
My dad met my mom in college and they got married after they graduated, bought a house, and had four kids. He worked as a Manager in a manufacturing company until he was laid off, and then as a dispatcher for a trucking company for many years before going into sales. Now he's the happiest I've ever seen him working in the garden center at Home Depot.
I'd like to thank my dad for:
1. Taking me to all my flute lessons and sitting through my boring orchestra concerts!
2. Reading my first fantasy novel and letting me know that guy characters would be a good thing to add.
3. Working all of those overtime hours to make sure me and my sister had enough My Little Ponies at Christmas.
4. Teaching me to say thank you and be kind to others.
5. Helping me put events in my life in perspective. (He majored in business and philosophy.)
6. For teaching me a great work ethic.
What would you like to thank your dad for?
This is so touching.
The girls at work were discussing their father's yesterday and I was close to tears and doing my best not to listen.
My father wasn't really active in my life. He lived with us but there was a disconnection caused by mother and his inablity to stand up and say 'enough'. It is a long story, but I'd like to thank my father for passing on to me traits of love and patience.
Hey, Aubrie! Your Dad sounds great, I'm glad you have him. My mom was my dad...she taught me how to play softball and badminton, instilled a great work ethic, how to respect my elders and not be judgmental toward others...I hope your Dad is having a great Father's Day!
That's so lovely! :)
My father has always had this unstoppable faith in me. It's lovely.
This was beautiful and moving. You are very lucky to have each other. I guess I'll have to call my dad after all...just kidding. Thanks for this great post!
What a neat dad!
I owe my love of nature to my dad. He always pointed out beautiful things.
Awe, your dad sounds so sweet!
My dad isn't around and, for many reasons, I don't want him to be either. However, my grandparents (on my moms side) are more like second parents to me. I call them grandma and grandpa but in my heart....it's not the same sentiment.
My grandpa is an absent-minded professor (literally). He makes silly jokes that no one laughs at and has chicken legs. He tells stories of his life on the farm but always changes the ending so you never know how things really happened. He's endlessly supportive and always ready to fight anyone who does me wrong. He's the best sort of father figure a girl could have and I always remember that I am lucky to have got a "second chance" when it came to having a father.
Your dad sounds like a sweet man! I can credit my father for my love of books, starting with him reading me Charlotte's Web.
Lovely blog, i'd like to thank my dad for being there for me when i was young. Unfortunately he isn't there anymore...
This is such a sweet post Aubrie--your dad sounds terrific :)
My dad has a great sense of humor, and an infinite amount of patience.
psssst! I gave you an award too!! :) see blog!
Your dad sounds like a really cool person :D
I've been wondering what all these Father's Day blogs were about then I realised, doh!, that it is different up there! Our Father's Day is in September. Thank you for sharing about your dad.
There is an award for you. Pick it up at http://laussieswritingblog.blogspot.com/. Hope you will participate.
Aubrie, this is so sweet. I like how your thank you list is so varied. Love the one about adding male characters!
I'd thank my father for learning how to cook when my parents separated.
Aw, that's so sweet. He read your earlier stuff and said to put in guy characters. :)
I wrote a rather lengthy comment on your last post. Did you get it? I spoke of the query wars.
Awww, how beautifully wonderful this thing is with your Dad. I'm so glad that this world has wonderful daddies like your own!!! Tell him Happy Father's Day for me and thank you for being such a good one to you!!! ;)
He always pointed out beautiful things.
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Such a beautiful post, Aubrie, thank you. I would like to thank my dad for his unwavering faith in me. I lost my parents quite a few years ago, but I'm grateful for the time I had with them. I only wish it had been longer.
I loved My Little Ponies.
I'd thank my dad for working his booty off for the family all those years.
Sometimes the most simple of jobs makes someone the happiest. I'd love to work at Home Depot in the garden department. Helping everyday people make their backyards come to life!
What a heart-warming thanks on Fathers Day! I'm sure your father was happy!
Aww that's a nice tribute to your dad. My husband was in manufacturing for a gazillion years now he teaches Dev Eng at a community college.
Beautiful tribute. I especially liked your dad's response about your first fantasy book!
And I also liked how you dad described your dad loving his work.
I thank my dad for my love of books. Unfortunately he is now legally blind but he still reads books on tapes daily. His blindness has not stopped him from doing his favourite thing.
For giving me life, for putting up with all my crap and loving me anyway, for being there when it mattered. I miss him.
What a great post! Sounds like you're a lucky girl:) My dad's an awesome guy and I'd thank him for helping me to be more self confident.
Your dad sounds like a wonderful guy. What I honor most about my artist dad is how he taught me to follow my creative spirit first.
That is a beautiful list! Thanks for sharing.
My dad taught me strength and a crazy sense of adventure. I appreciate that, if nothing else about him.
Have a lovely week, Aubrie!
Aw! Your dad sounds amazing!
I'd like to thank my dad for always supporting me, in whatever I did. He and my mum were the best parents any child could have asked for.
Beautiful post. Your dad sounds really, really wonderful.
Though my dad and I often disagree, I'm grateful for all the sacrifices he's made for my and our family. I'd like to thank him for instilling in me a sense of responsibility -- coupled with an obsessive compulsive personality. :)
I'm sure the flute lessons and recitals weren't as bad as my horrific piano playing that I tortured my parents with! I still can't play very well!
My Dad would have loved it if I'd been into my little ponies - a lot cheaper than the fancy Breyer horses I was addicted too not to mention riding lessons!
Aw, this was a great post. Thanks for sharing!! I'm grateful to my dad for my aggression, my combativeness and my serrated tongue. Sounds harsh, but I really do have my dad's temper - and it's something that has served me well! I wouldn't be the writer I am without those key personality traits. Thanks dad!!
For dedicating himself to giving my sister and me the best life possible. :)
Aw, your dad sounds awesome!! I am such a die hard Daddy's girl. If I could thank him for just one thing, well that would be difficult, but it would probably be for teaching me what to expect from a future husband. My father has always treated my sister and me with kindnes and respect; I would be lying if I said it did not influence the way I want to be loved by a husband someday. Happy Belated Father's Day!
I had to laugh at #2. Yes, guy characters are a good thing to add. :)
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