You can buy it for .99 cents here.
Or as an ebook for free here.
It's one of the most original sci fi books I've ever read.
Here's my Amazon review:
In The Message, Lisa Rusczyk has created a unique futuristic world where a new species called the Yars have integrated with the human population. People no longer get angry or break the law because a universal message has been relayed throughout the entire population, and it's one of peace. Or is it? Time holes have started to appear, and one of them transports two friends to the futuristic world. They must decide whether to accept the message themselves or live a hermit's life, always different than society. For one of them, the message seems like the only way for her to find love.
In honor of this wonderful achievement I've asked her to do an interview.
Lisa Rusczyk is the author of numerous novels, most of them published by Club Lighthouse publishing. Not only that, but she writes nonfiction articles by day and has her own fiction site for cat literature called Hazard Cat. If you have any short stories about cats or artwork featuring cats, fell free to submit it to her.
Here are the questions:
#1. How is The Message different than your other books?
It is my only scifi book and one of two that I wrote in first person. It was the first book I wrote back in 1999. It was a lot of fun to write and only took a month to finish. Other books have taken a lot longer.
#2. What inspired you to write about a time hole into the future?
I love time travel stories and wanted to write one. I enjoy thinking about different time travel theories and wanted to explore the science behind them. Also, I love creating societies in books and writing about a future society intrigued me.
#3. After reading The Message, I felt more proud of my own personality quirks, and even my temper! I'd rather be emotional than have little or no significant emotions at all. What do you want people to take away from The Message?
I want readers to enjoy the book and be entertained. I'd love it if they came up with their own ideas about what might happen in the future.
#4. Tell us about the mysterious Yars, a new race that has integrated with people in the future. I found this part of the book the most interesting.
The Yars, well I can't give too much away. They are an alien race and they say they chose to live among people because people had the message, which allows all beings to live in peace with one another.
Good interview...and another great reason to think about buying a Kindle!!
Thanks Aubrie!
Also, the book is available as an ebook for free on my blog.
Great interview, Aubrie. I've just recently developed an intense interested in sci-fi, so I really want to pick this up. Sadly, I don't have a Kindle. It sounds amazing, though.
Great review/interview/cover. You've been a great friend to Lisa. Thanks for links..<3
Great interview, ladies! :)
great interview girls. This sounds interesting, I really like the cover.
This sounds so great!! You are an awesome friend and I love the interview.
Ooh.. sounds great! I am going to have to figure out how to read Kindle books on my laptop, since I use a Sony eReader.
I've been seeing some very promising books from indie authors on Kindle, and I wish I could read them!
Great interview. I'm off to check out the book. :)
Great interview! This book sounds so interesting - I really like the idea :)
Great interview! I like time travel stories too. I'll be buying as soon as I have my Kindle with me. :D
That's fantastic! The story does sound so original- great interview and congrats Lisa!!
What an interesting idea. I read very little science fiction, but it's growing on me.
Good luck with the book!
Nice post. Thanks for introducing us to Lisa.
This sounds wonderful! I think I will away and check it out now.
Thank you Aubrie (and also Lisa)!!
Good review/interview. Sounds like a very interesting book! :)
This sounds terrific, thanks for the interview! I love hearing about books and authors I'm not as familiar with. The premise sounds fascinating.
I gave you an award on my blog, btw!
Great interview! I bought the book on Kindle and I can't wait to read it. Congratulations to you both!
Hey Aubrie! I read the author's post and learned you edited and designed the cover-WOW! I'm on chapter 8 of Messenger In The Mist-I really like it. I also ordered The Voices of Ire-looking forward to reading it after Winter Queen. I'll check into getting Lisa's book after Voices...hope you're having a great week!
Great interview!! Lisa is one special gal and I appreciate you sharing the story with us!!! Thank you so much Aubrie!
So cool, Aubrie! How exciting for Lisa! It sounds like a fun, intriguing read.
Congratulations, Lisa!
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