Visa is teaming up with Gillette Stadium and The Patriots for another commercial. The theme of the commercial this time around is "Visa never misses a beat."
A Boston casting agency called me last week and asked me to come and audition on my flute and piccolo, playing the 1812 Overature. (I guess this is what they play when The Patriots get a goal...I don't know, I don't watch football!)
Anyways, they needed a "Woman flustist" and although I look more like a girl than a woman, I thought I'd give it a try.
It was the strangest audition of my life! The first part was normal, they asked me to talk about how long I've played flute, where I studied, yadda yadda, and then they taped me playing the melody from the 1812 overature on both flute and piccolo. That was fine too. I nailed it.
But then, they had me act out a skit with a kazoo. I was suppoed to run in, pick a purple kazoo, pay for it with Visa, play the 1812 overature into the Kazoo, pretend to see a parade and run away. Now all of these directions were given to me in the span of ten seconds and then they started taping. The first two takes, I got all my lines, but I forgot the pay with my Visa!!! In other words, I was stealing the kazoo. And I forgot the most important part and the point of the whole commercial! The third take I got it. Phew! But I had to apologise, you know that I'm a musician and not an actress!! They asked for a flutist, not the next Jennifer Aniston!
Anyways, I thought overall it went well, and I want to thank my brother's girlfriend, Mau, for helping me through it and pretending to be the cashier so I wouldn't forget to pay!
But, anyways, if I get the job or not, look for the next Visa commercial and see if they indeed have a flutist! It's supposed to run nationwide, so you'd see it.
Very cool! Good luck with it!
Thank you Cherie!
I had a great time with you, Aubrie! My fingers are crossed!! :)
Thanks Mau! You were the best support I could have!
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