Sunday, March 2, 2014

5 Sentence Sunday

Yeah, so I'm using the Five Sentence Sunday to give you a nice snippet from Pan's Conquest. Just in case you hadn't bought it yet and are still on the fence. It's still only $.99. (Right now it's the fourth best selling Covet book on Amazon!) Thank you to those who have bought it!

Underneath his sly flirtatiousness, who was he? A child of the forest—wild and untamed, fickle and cold as the wind. She’d have him for a day, then he’d be on to his next conquest, and she’d have nothing. Not even her pride. She didn’t trust him, and she couldn’t trust herself.


Talli Roland said...

Very intriguing...

Cherie Reich said...

Love the snippet, Aubrie!

Deep Cleaning Scranton said...

This was a lovely blog ppost