Thursday, April 26, 2012

New Steampunk Anthology

Book Title: The Omnibus of Doctor Bill Shakes and the Magnificent Ionic Pentatetrameter.
Editors: Jaymee Goh and Matthew Delman
Genre: Steampunk
Publisher: Doctor Fantastique Books
Publication Date: May 11, 2012
Format: eBook, Paperback Book

How would William Shakespeare dream up his stories if he were born in the Victorian Era? More specifically, how would his tales change if set against the backdrop of Steampunk? Would Hamlet appear as a half-man, half-machine gear and flesh mash up? Perhaps Henry the V would field an army of soldiers with mechanical suits. This was the premise tossed around steampunk forums. The folks at Doctor Fantastique took up the reins and created an anthology.

A quick scan of the table of contents reveals steampunk twists on Measure for Measure, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Much Ado About Nothing, and A Midsummer’s Night Dream. Many of the sonnet are also explored.

The Tragic Tale of King Lear’s Wonders by Jennifer Castello
“Devouring Time, rust thou the robot’s gears” by Olivia Waite
Measure For Steel-Sprung Measure by Rebecca Fraimow
“Where art thou Muse that forget’st me so long?” by Tucker Cummings
The Malefaction of Tybalt’s Mechanical Armature by Tim Kane
“Not from the stars do I my judgement pluck” by J.H. Ashbee
Julius C-ZR by Bret Jones
“Your expanse of metal is a waste of time” by Frances Hern
Much Ado About Steam Presses: A Scandal of Minor Importance by R. J. Booth
“My brasswork’s gleam is nothing like the sun” by Alia Gee
Leo’s Mechanical Queen by Claudia Alexander
“A woman’s face with artist’s sure hand painted” by J.H. Ashbee
The Misfiring Love-Piston of Sir John Autumnrod by Larry Kay
“Not iron, nor the Difference Engine” by Kelly Fineman
What You Fuel by Jaymee Goh
“To me, fair friend, you never can be old” by Tucker Cummings
A Midsummer’s Night Steam by Scott Farrell
“Devouring Time, wear thou steam-hammer’s head” by J.H. Ashbee
Richard, Dismantled by Jess Hyslop

The print and ebook editions of the anthology are available starting May 11, 2012 from Doctor Fantastique’s Show of Wonders.

A special thanks to Tim Kane whose story can be found in this anthology!

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