I taught flute lessons until 5pm yesterday, so we didn't get to the grocery store until after it had started snowing. I'm glad we went when we did! I stocked up on pancakes and eggs for breakfast. My sister, who lost power, spent the morning driving to every Dunkin Doughnuts still open. She said the lines went all the way outside. Even the closed stores had people going through the drive through.
My poor dog, Jedi, had no idea what happened. He doesn't like walking in the snow with his little legs.
Over 200,000 houses in NH lost power, and 93 percent of our home town. We lucked out and had power the whole time. BUT- no internet all day until now. I almost went crazy. Almost.
Instead I did all the laundry and pressed nine shirts for the week ahead. Imagine what I could do if I didn't have the internet all the time, huh?
I felt bad pressing all those shirts, using up power while so many people sat in their cold, dark houses. My dad, who works at Home Depot, said the store was a madhouse yesterday with people buying shovels to prepare for the storm. At least it was good for Home Depot's business.
I read on WMUR that the local scary house theme park had to shut down, losing potentially $100,000 in revenue. They are opening back up tonight, but who's going to go to a scary house in the freezing snow?
Anyone else out of power or stuck?
It did snow here, but not as heavy as you got. There are still a few patches and it is freezing outside. - All I can say is wow!
We almost always have snow by Halloween so I know a haunted house like that in Alaska would still have plenty of customers!
Pretty pictures!
Wow! That's a lot of snow. Poor people without power. Yet those are lovely pictures.
Oh my stars! Winter is at your place. Here in Utah the sun is shining, but a storm is coming by Wednesday. I guess winter will find us. Happy Halloween!
Wow, snow in October! And some people lost power! I suddenly feel very lucky to be somewhere that still has a fairly decent temperature.
Wow! It's funny to see everyone get snow before us, but I feel badly for all the people who lost power and were adversely affected.
Thanks for sharing your photos - the one of the leaves on snow is especially lovely.
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