Today I'm a guest on Theresa Milstein's blog!
She is a fellow New Englander, and was one of the main critique givers for Paradise 21. Her shrewd eye coached me on making Tiff tougher, and making Striker more of a man. She's honest, and her advice always lead me to better places with my characters.
We've shared in each other's successes, and I got to critique her story that made it into Fangtales by Wyvern Publications, and the story chosen for a young dancers anthology. Go, Theresa! I can't wait until one of her own YA novels make it into print.
Thank you, Theresa! You're a fantastic writing partner and I'm lucky to have you.
Awww, Aubrie. I'm blushing.
As I said in my post, during critiques, and over numerous e-mails, I love this book. You're the most prolific writer I know. I'm glad to see your hard work is paying off and I wish you much success!
I think you also read "Daisy", which appeared in 100 Stories for Queensland.
Critique Partners are awesome!
Critique partners are so wonderful! I don't know what I'd do without mine.
I'm now following your blog. I found the link from one of your blog tour stops. Come by my blog and follow me too? :)
I received a lot of comments on the post. Hopefully a few of those comments turned into sales!
Stop by my blog to receive your special award.
Best wishes,
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