Stats are about the same:
Queries sent out: 37
Partials: 2
Rejections: 5
But I'm already running out of agents representing science fiction. Right now I'm using Query Tracker, Agent Query, and Publishers Marketplace. I just read on Publisher's Marketplace that Denise Dumars of the Ashley Grayson agency is taking queries for science fiction only up until June 21. Usually she doesn't accept science fiction at all! So it's perfect timing for me.
Now I'm branching off and querying agents that rep romance and action/adventure. But I'm not sure they'll like Paradise 21 because of the element of science fiction.
Does anyone know of any other sites for agents?
Good Luck! I'm afraid I haven't done my research for querying agents but I hope that others can give you some awesome names to help out!
I love your title, Aubrie! I found this link on Writers Services - I am finding it very useful to click through and discover agents websites. Also I have the Writers' and Artists' Handbook (currently in my bag under my desk, waiting for lunchtime so I can read it!) and that is a brilliant resource.
Hope that helps, and good luck! Two partials!! :)
The ones you listed are the same ones I use, sorry. You might try TRIBE lit. They take science fiction, they say.
I'm at 71 rejections. Just keep truckin'
There's AuthorAdvance.com . It used to be LitMatch.com. It's relatively new but you might find something that wasn't on the others. You never know!
I think those are all of the sites I know as well.
Good luck!!
Those the only sites I know of, and they're pretty darn good ones. You can also check out Bewares, Recommendations, & Background Check on Absolue Write. There's all kinds of great info there.
Good luck!
I'm not at that phase yet so no help on providing more links but I did want to wish you good luck in your search :)
I've used Writer's Marketplace, that's the online listing site from the same people who publish Writer's Digest. Hmmm... I don't think I know of any others off the top of my head though. Good luck with that, two partials is such a good sign!
I don't know any other sites for agents, sorry. You should try the romance, action/adventure agents though (at least the ones who don't specifically say no science fiction) because there is a lot of bleed over and I've read novels that were high fantasy but in the romance section and adventures that had a lot of sci fi in them. There's bleed over and you should use that to your advantage!
Do you follow Chuck Sambuchino's Writer's Digest blog? It seems almost every day he does a "New Agent Alert".
Maybe ask Beth Revis from the blog "Writing it Out" because she writes science fiction too.
Good luck!
You definitely overlap in the romance genre.
Congrats on the partials! I don't know anything about your genre (or agents for that matter!) so I can't help you out. But best of luck with your search!
If you get a membership to Publishers Marketplace you can search for agents on there. I've found it really helpful.
Good luck on your partials! I use those sites so I'll have to read the other comments myself to learn about others.
I think you're hitting the main sites. You could also try agents who rep general fiction.
Good luck!
You can also get a copy of 2010 Guide to Literary Agents. It costs like 30 bucks I think. Your library will have an older copy, most likely, or a Writer's Market book, and you can go to the Web sites listed on the pages. Alternatively, you can go to Half.com and find one really cheap, just have to wait for it to come in the mail. It will open you up to sending paper queries most likely, but you may find some Web sites.
I'm afraid I'm pretty clueless when it comes to agent hunting as I haven't started yet. I'm still trying to pump out these novels to a state when I can edit them and start my querying. Best of luck, though!♥
Good luck, Aubrie. I can't think of any other sites other than those that have been mentioned. But my fingers are crossed for you!
I'm thinking good thoughts for you! :)
Wish I had more to offer, but that's what I've got right now.
Casey McCormick at Literary Rambles has a great profile page of agents and recent interviews and quotes.
I use it a lot to get behind-the-scenes info on agents that the other sites don't have.
When I ran out of agents on agentquery.com (back when I had a young adult novel) I would literally just spend all this time googling people who had books out similar to mine and figuring out who their agents were.
oh man... don't tell me you are running out of agents. I am terrified of that possibility. Sigh. You've hit all the ones I know as far as sources, dear.
Good luck Aubrie...it absolutely will happen!
I don't know of any other resources, but I wanted to wish you good luck!
Maybe with science fiction you might want to try going straight to the publishers? That's what I'm going to do with my epic fantasy, since so few agents rep that.
Good luck!
I'm not very well-versed in the adult genres, but perhaps you might want to search agents who rep fantasy? I'm not quite sure if yours is hardcore science fiction, but some of them may be amenable to that, as SF and Fantasy publishers are generally the same. (I think?)
Hi Aubrie, Sorry I don't have any more agent sites to add. I'm a bit old-fashioned and rely solely on the Writers & Artists Yearbook.
I'm very new to the world of Agents so I don't know too much. If I do hear of any I will let you know. And in the meantime, GOOD LUCK! :)
Yes, Michael Kobonga does science fiction and fantasy and not romance. He comes to Ravencon each year in Richmond and that's how i know. Google his name for his site. He's on FaceBook, too.
QT and AQ are the hotspots, and they list everyone almost as soon as they come up. Science fiction is definitely a harder sell. My book is dystopian/sci fi, and YA. So I queried all YA agents that didn't specifically say they weren't looking for sci fi. I figured the book could fall under YA as well.
Good luck!
Sorry I don’t have any information to help you. I absolutely love your blog title and picture!
I'm not there yet Aubrie, but I'd like to offer encouragement at this time. I hope you manage to hunt down just the right agent..:) but don't be 'wery wery quiet' about it!
I werrly, werrly, vish i vould velp you!
Good luck Aubrie! I'm afraid those are the only websites I've tried so far myself, but after 50 rejections I'm taking a break to revamp the query letter...
They take science fiction, they say.
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