Here are the new stats:
Queries: 54
Partials: 4 (1 rejection)
Rejections: 18
So I'm not giving up just yet. I also heard from two local bookstores agreeing to take a look at The Voices of Ire to see if they will stock it.
I'm at 18K in my WIP, Colonization, and I came up with the two actors I'd like to play my two male characters:
The boy that she wants and can't have:

The dedicated and loyal boy chosen as her lifemate:

(I know he looks like Sam the Hobbit, but I've changed his name and put him in a sci fi setting)
The question is: who does she end up with???? Hehe.
Loyal boy, definitely! I'm all for the best friend. :)
I think she'll get the boy she can't have; he'll break her heart and the best friend will be there...causing her to realize she loves him...and congrats on both pieces of news!!!!
Congratulations--that's exciting that you've had so many partial requests.
Hooray for partials!
Before I saw the pictures, I wanted him to end up with the assigned lifemate. He's growing on me. But now that I see the pictures...
Yay for your partial request- your request rate is great so you must have an awesome query.
I agree with Stephanie, your query letter must be awesome to have such a great request rate. I'm struggling with mine but I think it's almost ready.
No giving up allowed! You're getting responses, yeah! I think I'll do a post next week w/ my stats. Somehow seeing it in context is oddly liberating.
The dedicated and loyal boy is the probably isn't the one she'd choose today...but he'll be the one who stands by her in the end. :)
Congrats on the partials!
I totally vote for Sam every time. Looks fade, but heart is forever.
I got my first request today! I'm so excited.
I like your choices in actors!
Zac Efron v.s. the hobbit? Hm... Sounds interesting. XD I love the 'friend' archetype. Sometimes it works really well that they end up with the main character and sometimes you can turn it back around so that it can't be/wouldn't make sense. Either way, it makes for an interesting development.
Congrats on the partial request!
Ooh.. congratulations on all your wonderful news! I knew good things were coming :)
I love your choice in actors and I like Sam (even though he will always be Mikey from The Goonies to me)
The loyal guy should win!! Congrats on the partial request!!
Well, Zac of course. And I love Sam the hobbit, so I'm totally okay with him being a lifemate!
Great stats Aubrie! You can do this! ♥
Oh, she can't do better than Sam the hobbit! Pick him...pick him! :-)
Yay for a partial request! That's awesome.
Loyal boy, though I'm always a fan of the boy she can't have either!!!
Congrats on another partial! I know there are good things coming to you Aubrie! Way to stay in the game!
Congrats on the partial requests! Hopefully one of them will request a full. And, good luck getting The Voices of Ire in some local bookstores. It's a great book. It should be in there.
And, I'd go with loyal and dedicated boy. Looks fade, so hot boy won't always stay hot, but loyal and dedicated are great.
Oh, that's great news that some local bookstores are taking a look at Voices of Ire! Do you think you'll pursue more personal bookstore relationships if these ones work out? What a great way to spread the word!
Maybe they'll let you do an author signing or reading, too :)
Congrats on another request. You're on the right road.
That's awesome news! Fingers crossed for you! and- the loyal boy ofcourse!
Whoop! Congrats on the partial! And you said the agents were silent!
So may questions. What can’t she have him? Does he like her? Does the loyal friend make her happy, she her heart a singing?
Good luck with the bookstores. I hope that they’ll love it and want to stock it.
Yay! Congrats on the partial!
And on a side note, I think I love Zac Efron. Seriously. i think he is going to be a big big start. I predict an Oscar. I call it, right now.
Okay...I'm gonna openly admit, the pic of Zac Efron is why I clicked on your blog today! ;) LOL!
Wishing you lots of luck!
And BTW...if A Bitch named Karma is ever made into a movie, I so want Zac for one of my characters!
Wow, Aubrie - way to go with all those partial requests! One of them will be a yes :D And I think she'll get the loyal best friend. (The hot guy never has the goods in the end, lol).
Congratulations on the partials and good luck getting your guys to star in the movie that will be based on your book. :)
Thanks for commenting on my blog. And I wish you great luck finding an agent. Don't give up.
I'll do a book review for you when I read The Voices of Ire. I had some extra money this month, and so I bought a few books written by bloggers. I picked this one of yours. It should arrive tomorrow. I'm excited to read it.
Ooo, love the pics! I forget that actor's name, but he IS a hottie. Dear Sam, you were so serious 'bout your "taters."
Congrats on the request!! Aubrie, I want an agent to pick you up!!
Ah, I love Sam! Take the loyal boy, for sure!
Congrats on the partial request. That's soooo way cool! :)
You go girl!
Congrats! You're wearing em down! :)
4 partial requests; that's super awesome! I've gotten one, and I'm still waiting on a reply. :)
Hope it works out for you!
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