Query Stats:
Queries Sent out: 53
Partials: 3 (1 rejection) 2 still out
Rejections: 18
I haven't heard from an agent in ten days. I wonder if this is a busy time of year for them, or if a lot of them are on vacation. Has anyone heard anything lately?
Sorry you're not getting more news. I bet many people are taking vacations. School just let out and July 4th is almost here, so it's a good time to take off.
I hate waiting. This past week, I sent two queries, and I'm already checking (but dreading to check) my e-mail.
Keep us posted. I hope you don't have to wait too much longer, and get some good news.
I haven't heard anything...I'm sure you will hear back soon. It is the summer though, lots of people use it to take trips, and catch up on other things.
I don't know about anywhere else, but at the preschool, so many people are on vacay that one classroom only had six kids on Friday...out of 15! I'd say that most people ARE on vacation...and like everyone else, I hope you have good news soon!
Good luck with all your submissions, Aubrie! That is a lot of queries out in the world but I am positive you will hear some good news. 3 partials is great - did you hear back from any of those agents?
Keep smiling Aubrie. I've read on other blogs that it is a quiet time - must be hols over your way. I'm sure it will work out..<3
Some can take up to 6 months to get back to you :) forget about them and work on your next WIP
I think the agents who are quick are very quick, and the ones who are slow are doubly slow. I can imagine how terrible it is waiting. Good luck with your queries! I'm crossing my fingers for you.
Sadly, yes. I received two rejections last week. *sigh*
I hate the waiting game! I got a pass on a full this week, which stung a bit. And a couple of form rejections on queries. I've still got 11 queries out that I haven't heard anything from. And a full and a partial.
And I look at twitter way too much. :)
The quiet is terrible, isn't it??
I DID get another request for a full: Melissa Sarver of Elizabeth Kaplan LA. You should look them up. Not sure if they do sci fi. But, yeah, I'm feeling impatient lately.
Glad you have a few possibilities still brewing out there.
I think it's pretty quiet out there- just that time of year. I figure it's a good time to work away on another book.
Well I've had no experience but I'd say it's a bit of both. They might be on vacation but I've also read that summer can be a good time to send out queries etc which might mean that more people are taking advantage of what they think will be a good time to send out so it might be slower than you'd expect. Best of luck, I'm sure the news will come back eventually!
I've heard back from a few agents (all rejections). No news is good news, hopefully! I did hear back from an editor as well, planning on posting about that on my blog in the morning (or afternoon, more likely).
Hey, two partials in play could mean two requests!
The other positive is in getting requests for partials you are pretty close to the mark.
Try sending your Science fiction manuscript to my publisher, Penumbra Publishing at penumbrapublishing@gmail.com or visit their website at www.penumbrapublishing.com.
They are author friendly and are publishing my Sci/fi series. I'm the only Sci/Fi author at Penumbra, and could use company.
I'm sure you'll get an agent eventually, Aubrie. Chin-up - just think of all the great writers who were turned down by agents, before they made it.
I don't know. But I would think they would be trying to get a lot done before the July 4th holiday.
Hope you hear some good news soon!
You and me both, sister. I think they've all gotten behind because of conferences and book expos. I've always heard December and August are the dead months, but if I'm remembering from last year, all summer was just about as slow (on requested material at least) as those two months.
Good luck waiting! Have a great week!
I received a rejection last night, so my potential agent is working!
I'm sorry to hear that :( But don't worry, I'm sure they are on their way :). The waiting is definitely the hardest part.
Agents I query fall into two groups - those who respond immediately and those who take what seems like forever when you're waiting. Patience is a virtue. They say.
I think summer gets a bit lazy, with some fits and starts as people go on vacation. But I hear August is worse!
I'm with you. I just heard back from an agent I'd querried weeks ago. I'd completely forgotten that I'd querried them! Still nothing on my partial thats been out since mid april...I hate the waiting game.
Keep your hopes up! I think it can be a slow process no matter what time of year it is. The longer the wait the more they might be debating your query. Try to work on something else as a distraction!
I wish I could help but I am not sending out queries so I have no idea what the busy and slow times are! I'm sure you'll hear something in time, I wish I could help!
If I was an agent I would buy all books (maybe that's why I'm not, lol!)
Waiting is sucky .Perhaps they are all gearing up early for the holiday.
So sorry you are having to wait and wait and wait...that is always the hardest part!
Many agents take up to 3 months to respond to queries. Hang in there and keep your chin up! :)
I have no idea--some of them say they don't respond if it's a rejection, but a lot of them might just be on vacation. Hopefully you'll hear something GOOD soon! :)
I agree with Theresa - I think probably most are away on vacation; it's just that time of year.
Good luck. Waiting just plain sucks.
Hey there, while I am happy with my decision to self-pubbed, I had queried over 100 agents with only a couple requests. I totally feel your frustration, but if your heart is set on being published the traditional way, keep plugging away. While waiting, you can find out all kinds of stuff about self pubbing on Kindleboards.com. That way, if you decide to self-pub, you'll be ahead of the game. :-)
I saw an agent the other day, and I got him with my car. Two points for me!
If any of your query replies have tire tread marks on them . . . I am so sorry.
I signed with my agent last August, but I think summer is a quieter time for agents, especially around the 4th of July. BUT, keep in mind during their vacations their often reading submissions because it's when they have time to read subs. So, maybe you'll hear soon! Best of luck!
I don't remember the last time I queried and agent. I think I gave up at some point.
Keeping my fingers crossed that you hear positively on those 2 still out
I've heard that it's hard querying during the months of July and August because of summer vacation, so that might mean it takes agents longer to respond to you.
At the conference I went to, they said responses from editors or agents can take from six months to a year. So I would just keep writing and try to forget about it for a while.
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