I had a nice email in my inbox this morning. My short story, Caldron's Brew, has been accepted by Moon Drenched Fables for their September issue. I'll let you know when it's up!
My short story, Malicifer, was rejected by Sword and Sorceress. I've sent it to Beneath Ceaseless Skies.
And, my friend, Cher Green, is giving away two free Tarot readings at her Tarot Blog today.
Anyone else have recent acceptances/rejections that you'd like to share?
Congrats on the acceptance! I'm still waiting to hear back from most places, although I had a poem and a short story rejected last week. Oh, well.
I have nothing out there to fret about but I wanted to say congratulations on your acceptance. That's great news!
Congrats on the acceptance. :) Can't wait to read it. Love that pic too.
Congrats on the acceptance!
I have something I'll share tomorrow!!
Congrats! I'm looking forward to reading it.
*happy dance* !
Congratulations! I have neither been accepted nor rejected as of late. :-)
congrats on the acceptance, and good luck with the other one! I'm going over to the tarot blog you linked to - i love tarot cards!
Congrats on the acceptance!
Congrats!!!! Very well deserved :)
Congrats on the acceptance!! I don't have anything at the moment in waiting, except for the revisions and edits that should be happening to my current wip!
Congrats on the acceptance of "Cauldron's Brew" - that's awesome! :-)
Congratulations on the acceptance! Sorry to hear about the rejection, but good for you in sending it out there again. :)
I have nothing pending - still trying to get the novel road-worthy. Soon I hope!
Awesome! Congratulations. Can't wait to read it. Well done, you!
I have one story out there that's supposedly been accepted but no official word yet...
Congratulations on the acceptance! :)
And good luck with BCS!
I just found your blog today. Congratulations!
Congrats on your acceptance. Really well deserved. :)
Yay for Caldron's Brew!
I was one of the winner of Miss Snark's First Victim last contest, but then the agent rejected my query + 10 pages. I don't have anything pending anywhere. I'm taking a break to edit and figure out what to do next.
Oh congrats! That's really terrific. I haven't been querying much. Had a rejection recently for a story but have mostly been writing.
Congratulations on getting your story published! Can't wait to read it:)
Congrats Aubrie! I currently have one full submission I'm waiting for judgement on and a query in that hasn't immediately been rejected.
*crosses fingers*
Way to go, I can't wait to read your story.
Congratulations! You're a very talented writer, so I'm not surprised. :) Looking forward to reading these.
Cool! Congratulations, and thank for putting the information out there - encourages me to at least think I ought to try harder...
Congratulations on the acceptance! I have never had anything published (not yet;)). Maybe one day soon.
Congrats on the acceptance! I am following you instead of just lurking like I normally do. ;)
Congrats on the acceptance and good luck with the new submission. I'm in a kind of limbo. I need a kick in the 'well you know'. I have stories that need to go out,but just haven't taken the time to do so.
Thanks for the tarot mention.
Congrats on the acceptance!
I'm waiting on a bunch of stories. The longest wait (over 300 days now) is for Doomia's Treasure, the short that was rejected from S&S last year. Just about finished the story I want to submit this year but I'm guessing it'll be rejected. That has to be one hard market to crack.
Congratulations on the acceptance! Good luck on the submission.
Congratulations, Aubrie! What terrific news :) You've had such good news lately and I am so happy for you!
Yay :) Congrats. Definitely let us know when it's up!
That's fantastic Aubrie!
Back in my youth, I always wanted to collaborate with my husband and write a syndicated column.
In the early eighties, we were fixing to move to another state...right in the middle of packing actually...and we got a proposal asking that we submit a 'sampling' of thirty columns.
Unfortunately the deadline, coupled with the move, made it impossible for us to get them written and submitted in time...this was back before internet and email...we were pretty bummed.
We kept trying...and getting rejected...until we finally just gave up.
Congrats on your acceptance..that is great!
Great work!! Very keen to read it soon
Congrats on the acceptance! That's great news. And I think your other story will find a home - I don't know how it can't.
Congrats on the acceptance! That's awesome. I got a rash of rejections recently that are making me feel query shy. I know a lot of agents and others have been doing a lot of catch-up in April, so I'm not the only one. Good news is even more golden right now... I think.
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