I want to hear everyone's New Year's resolutions!
I've come up with some of mine:
1. learn to cook more interesting/healthy vegetarian dishes. (And I'm starting off today with garlic ginger tofu and Fire and Ice Pasta-two recipes I found on Allrecipes.com. Desert will be honey baked apples with fresh cranberries.)
2. Keep submitting to agents. It's so easy to stick to my ebook companies and write for them, but I should always reach higher, even if the rejections sting.
3. Read and review more books. I'd like to build up my book review blog. So if anyone out there wants me to review their book, please leave a comment below.
4. Try to get better at small talk! I like to stick to the point, but that doesn't always go over well. I need to find a way to talk to people about nothing in particular and keep conversation without bringing up fiery topics.
Now, what are yours???
You have some great goals! I love your want to work on small talk (I have that problem too) and to build up your book list. Are you on Goodreads? I LOVE it. It's such a great way to find out what's out there and share your reviews of books.
I would expect you should be able to land an agent this year if you were to really put in the time finding one since you're WAY ahead of so many of us who haven't even published ebooks yet.
Good goals. Mine are to keep submitting my first novel and write two novellas and another novel.
Good goals. Good luck.
I made mine simple: produce and submit.
M. Gray,
Thank you! I'm not on Good Reads, but that could be another goal this year! and thanks for the compliment on the agent, we'll see about that.
Angie, that's a lot of writing. Good luck!!!
Cher, simple is always the way to go. Thanks for commenting!
my goals for the new year include doing everything in my power to sign with an agent and living life to the fullest. I love you goals!
Thanks Bethany! I'm with you on the agent goal...
You can do it! Submitting to agents is so hard (because of all the waiting and rejection etc.), but so worth it in the end.
My biggest goal for the year is to write 1000 words a day 5 days a week.
1. I want to sign with an agent for my fantasy YA novel.
2. I want to start on the sequel to the aforementioned novel.
3. Write the last book in the Kingdom of Arnhem series.
4. Start and hopefully finish another fantasy YA novel or my suspense novel.
5. Sell some short stories to magazine(s).
Aubrie, I love your resolutions! I completely hear you on all of them, especially two and four!
I LOVE it. It's such a great way to find out what's out there and share your reviews of books.
Work from home India
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