Summary: (Taken from Yahoo Movies)
AVATAR takes us to a spectacular world beyond imagination, where a reluctant hero embarks on an epic adventure, ultimately fighting to save the alien world he has learned to call home. James Cameron, the Oscar-winning director of "Titanic," first conceived the film 15 years ago, when the means to realize his vision did not exist yet. Now, after four years of production, AVATAR, a live action film with a new generation of special effects, delivers a fully immersive cinematic experience of a new kind, where the revolutionary technology invented to make the film disappears into the emotion of the characters and the sweep of the story.
My Opinion:
I was afraid that the movie would be too cartoony and, at first, it's hard to adjust to. But as I fell into the story and the characters the graphics didn't bother me. In fact, I was amazed. It's a visual smorgasbord that stuns the viewer with a fully imagined alien world. The great detail is enough of a reason to go back and watch again.
And Sigourney Weaver is amazing. Channeling her inner "Ripley", I hated her at first for her acerbic attitude and hard edge. Then, as the story unfolded and I saw what she was up against, her role turned into more of a Diane Fossey from "Gorillas in the Mist." Sam Worthington as the paraplegic ex-marine was all good looks and charm, and a little bland, but it fits his role. Zoe Saldana gave an emotional and sexy performance as the love interest and alien Pocahontas, Neytiri. I found myself routing for her and her people.
Bottom line:
This movie has intense emotional moments, a big message about peace and the environment, and really pulls at the heartstrings.
From a writer's point of view, the characterization is as three dimersional as the film and the fact that the protagonist is taking his brother's place and doesn't have the knowledge or expertice is ironic and twists the plot in directions that it wouldn't otherwise go.
I don't usually review movies, but this one was special and nothing much is happening in the writing world right now. I have several short stories out there waiting to hear back and I'm still ploughing through edits for Messenger in the Mist. I'll be gone for three days to North Carolina, so I'll blog again after the New Year. Hopefully I'll have pictures of my brother's wedding by then!
Did anyone else see Avatar? What did you think???
I saw it opening night with my fancy 3-d glasses. Your review pretty much says most of how I felt. I can't say I LOVED it, but I did really enjoy it and thought the visuals were amazing. I was glad the story had deeper meaning than just the war/new world theme.
Wow, opening night. Yeah, I liked the deeper meaning in the story. It made it more real for me.
Haven't seen it yet but I'm looking forward too it. I think I'll probably enjoy it just for the visual effect if nothing else.
Ok, your review is much better than mine, but at least we agree!
I was so drawn into this story and the computer graphics, that I didn't surface until the credits ran. I then wanted more!
Avatar is by far the best movie I've seen in some time (with the exception of Stardust).
Kudos on your choice Aubrie.
I NEED to see this movie!! My husband has this ridiculous stigma against watching it cuz of he claims he doesn't like BLUE people!! How crazy is that?? What's wrong with the smurfs? Ain't nobody can dislike the smurfs!!
I really enjoyed the movie, except for the whole 3D thing. (Lame motion sickness. Who goes on nasty roller coasters without any trouble, then gets ill watching a stinking movie??) *ahem* Anyway...I thought the world they created was very interesting, and the message was good without being too preachy.
Kris, you should see it. I think you'll like it. And then you can do a review on your blog!
Dawn, your review is fabulous! Everyone should go to her blog and check it out.
M. Gray, tell your husband that they are way too big to be smurfs, so he's okay with it!
Tracy, the whole 3D thing gave me a headache afterwards, so I know how you feel!
Thanks for commenting everyone!
I guess I better see this movie, though it won't happen until it's on DVD. Thanks for the review!
The previews didn't make me want to see the movie, but I wound up watching it--in 3D!--and it was phenomenal. I love the night scenes.
I was glad the story had deeper meaning than just the war/new world theme.
Work from home India
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