Lyrical Press
(Nebula's Music, and Hopefully Messenger in the Mist)

(Dreams of Beauty)

Gypsy Shadow Publishing
(Night Dance, Seasons of Fantasy Series)
At first all I wanted was for my book to be in Barnes and Noble, smack in the middle of the fantasy section next to Neil Gaiman and Tad Williams. And then I realized that you needed an agent for that, and that to attract an agent you need publishing credits. So I started working with ebook companies.
I don't know how much of a publishing credit it is, but it has given me a lot of experience with editing, marketing, and reviews. I've worked with editors on rewrites, marketed my books, designed covers, and submitted them to reviewers for their critiques. The whole process has made me a better writer!
I liked it so much that now I have three ebooks companies. Each one is a little bit different in what they accept, which provides me with three different sources to send my writing to.
Lyrical Press is an adult publisher. They are relatively new and have a beautiful website. I was drawn to them because they had a lot of fantasy/sci fi books and I thought that they'd like mine. So I've sent them my most mature book up to date, and will be submitting Messenger in the Mist soon.
SynergEbooks is great for my young adult books because they don't sell erotica and I can send my young readers to their site without being embarrassed about alluring covers. They have a great young adult section and work with a distributor for home school students: Writers online books. Also, they've been in business since 1999 so they are well established.
Gypsy Shadow Publishing accepts short stories over 3,000 words, which is very hard to find in an ebook publisher. Usually the minimum is 10,000 and up. I love writing short stories, so I send all of my short stories to them. They are a brand new company, so the possibilities are endless.
I highly recommend trying out the ebook publishing world if you are having trouble getting an agent and need more experience to make your writing better. All three of my ebook companies are accepting submissions, and Gypsy Shadow is new, so I'm sure they would love to see some new submissions.
What have been your experiences with ebook companies? Do you think it's a good step for a writer?
I am one of Lyrical's new authors...still in the editing phase! So far it's been fantastic!!! I truly feel ebooks are the future...in a few years it's going to explode!!
Thanks Stephanie! I can't wait to read your LPI book!
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