Here is the link to their site.
In other news, I'm preparing for a concert next weekend at the Pleasant View Retirement Home Sunday September 20th at 2pm.

I know it looks like more of a mansion than a retirement home. Can I live there?? Anyways, It's violin, flute, and harpsichord and we are playing selections by Scarlatti, Mozart, Bach, and Faure. It's all beautiful music and easy listening. It's also free and open to the public!
In other news, I was not cast as a "flutist" for the visa commercial. It took me three days to get over it and be able to post about it, but here I am looking forward and not backward. I'm off to finish my first set of line edits for "Nebula's Music." I've added scenes to make her look more human and likeable and explain why Radian loves her. Rewrites are so difficult! But it makes the story that much better.
Congrats on your acceptance, and in having so many out right now. Cool! Sorry about the commercial. :( I wish I could hear your concert. I bet it'll be great.
Thanks Angie! I have a submission waiting for Mindflights as well.
P.S. The chocolate you sent me helped me get over the commercial :)
Thank you
Congratulations on having a piece accepted for publication! That is no small feat. Sorry to hear about the commercial - but good for you for being able to post about it.
And thank you for taking the time to read The Bone Setter. That means a lot to me!
"The Bone Setter" is a lovely story and everyone should go over to Mindflights to read it!
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