Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

I had a such a wonderful day today. I picked up my brother, Austin, and we drove to Demers Garden Center- a wonderful place to get beautiful plants and gardening tools. My family has been going there ever since I was a kid. We picked out a whole bunch of veggies for my dad's garden- eggplant, butternut squash, green peppers and yellow peppers. Then, my brother remembered my mom wanted a weeping cherry tree to replace the apple tree that died last year. So, we paid for it, but it wouldn't fit in my car. Later, we went back with my dad to have him pick one out.

They actually chop off the top of the plant and graft branches from other cherry tree plants on to the top so they grow out like a willow tree. It doesn't look like much now, but it should look like this in a couple of years:

Gorgeous, huh? This is such a nice present, because we will always go back and visit the house and I'll remember that me and my brother bought it for my dad that one Father's Day in 2014.

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