If anyone is interested in writing classes, one of my CP's Kathleen S. Allen (the one who just got an agent) is teaching a class called Writing the Young Adult Novel.
This class will guide writers who want to start writing a young adult (YA) novel but aren’t sure how to start or what age range to gear their writing to. The instructor will lead the students through a series of pre-writing exercises designed to help them brainstorm ideas for their YA novel and write the first chapter (up to 25 pages) by the end of the class. The class will help workshop the chapter (along with the instructor) so that by the end of the class the writer will have a clear idea where they are going with their novel with a plot and outline for the remainder of their novel. This class is appropriate for beginning writers, writers who have started a novel but are stuck or anyone who wants to hone their writing skills.
Week One: We will look at what YA is, the age range it covers, what makes a book YA, some examples of YA writing. The students will brainstorm ideas for their novel or narrow down their topic if they already have one.
Week Two: What is a protagonist? What is an antagonist? What is your main character’s favorite color? You will write a character study for your main two characters. Good examples of fleshed out characters will be given. Using the journalists tools of who, what, where, when, why to flesh out your novel.
Week Three: What makes a good YA plot? Does it need vampires to be successful? By this week the students will have written the first five pages of their chapter with feedback given.
Week Four: Theme of novel is important. What is a hook? Do you need one? What makes your novel different? Description and dialogue in a YA novel. Continue to work on your 25 pages.
Week Five: Revising and editing how to keep the ball rolling, what to do about writer’s block, continuing to work on 25 pages with feedback. Diagramming the rest of your novel, writing an outline.
Week Six: The world of publishing. What’s the difference between POD, self-publishing, eBooks, vanity publishing, traditional publishing? Should you get an agent? How do you find one? We will explore the different avenues and help identify the ones right for you and your novel (once you finish it.) What are your next steps?
Also, The senior editor at Entangled Publishing, Heather Howland, is teaching a class called Edit Like a Pro- YA Edition.
Who should take Edit Like a Pro – YA Edition?
· Authors with shiny new YA manuscripts in need of edits.
· Authors who have gotten requests from agents/editors, but have yet to land a contract.
· Adult romance authors trying to break into the YA market.
Young adult fiction is hotter than ever, but penning a successful book for teens (and teens-at-heart) is more than plugging young protagonists into your story. With the YA market in mind, Heather will walk you through the standard “three pass” editing method used by most publishing houses, teaching you to spot weaknesses and showing you how to fix them. By the end of the class, you will have everything you need to submit your book to a publisher or agent.
· Learn how to assess and edit your manuscript on a macro level, ensuring your plot fits commercially successful parameters, your stakes and conflict are compelling, YA-appropriate, and “high-concept,” and that your characters develop organically.
· Learn how to assess and edit your manuscript on a micro level, analyzing the GMC of individual scenes and sequences, the effectiveness of your point of view, pacing issues, and the voice of the piece.
· Learn how to line edit like a pro, which includes tightening prose without over editing, empowering your language, and effectively managing white space.
· Have fun while developing new writing skills!
Anyone interested?
Thank you for these links! I'll have to check them out.
What great information! Thanks for sharing!
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