Hi Aubrie, Thanks so much for hosting me here today.
You're Welcome, Rakya! I loved Enchanted Destiny! It's a pleasure to have you here today.
How much do you believe in destiny?
Were you destined to be an author?
I come from a cultural background that believes strongly in destiny so I think that’s hard-wired into my DNA. My love of books and fiction and literature started very early on, and yes, I think there may have been a teensy bit of destiny involved :o).
Your main character takes out a loan to run her own beauty salon, which I love about her! She's independent and driven to succeed (Which makes it all the more difficult to accept her soulmate once he comes into her life!). Do you run your own business? Have you ever wanted to run your own business?
Egads! I did co-own a software consulting company years ago, while I was still working at another job. It’s very hard work and there can be real satisfaction in making outcomes happen for oneself, but I wouldn’t want to do it again.
I love the idea of a family "curse", and how it ties into finding your soulmate. Where did you get the idea for Enchanted Destiny?
LOL – this is the hardest question I get asked. Something will occur to me based on a snippet of an article or news item or conversation, and I take off from there with a series of ‘what if’ questions. And many times, I don’t eventually remember what set off the idea. I developed the idea for Enchanted Destiny several years ago, so I don’t remember the thread of thought anymore. I do remember walking along the streets in Chicago one evening (where I set the book), and seeing all the Halloween decorations and wondering if Kat might live in one of those townhomes.

Your cover is gorgeous and so perfect for the book! It has magic, whimsy, and sexiness all over it! What did you think when you saw it for the first time?
I absobloominlootely loved it. I was dancing around the house, alternately emailing every one I knew, bouncing some more. My first thought was.. “
What's next on the horizon for you as a writer?
I am editing Enchanted Desire, the sequel to Enchanted Destiny. Wait till you see that cover (http://www.raykamennen.com/?page_id=92)
Thanks so much, Aubrie. And I can’t wait to read your own book – it’s on my TBR list but I can’t read anything by anyone until I finish edits. I love to chat with folks on my website www.RaykaMennen.com or via email at raykamennen@gmail.com, so drop me a line.
Enchanted Destiny by Rayka Mennen
Destiny’s never looked so good.
Kat never believed she’d fall victim to her family’s stories about destined soul mates—she makes her own fate, thank you very much. When she walks by a construction site and admires the same sexy architect for the zillionth time in a week, the last thing she expects is to be slammed by a vision of his death.
Which activates the spell that will change their lives forever.
Jake is a single dad with a singular focus—create a stable life for him and his son. His ex-wife cured him of any desire to fall in love, but when an intriguing woman saves him from what should’ve been a deadly accident, he can’t shake his fascination. Too bad she’s crazy, claiming she’s a witch and that they’re soul mates—not exactly the “stable life” he had in mind.
Kat’s destiny comes with a deadline. If they don’t fall in love by her twenty-fifth birthday—a mere three weeks away—Jake will never find the peace he seeks and Kat will lose her magic forever.
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Thanks Aubrie for having me over to visit. I'll be around through the day.
Great interview! I can't wait to read this one!
Hi Rayka, I love the sound of an Eagle shapeshifter. And I just popped over to look at your other cover - it's so different from the first but equally gorbeous!
Thanks M.B and Nina.
The cover is beautiful and the plot sounds great. I like how Rakya handled the hard question too.
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