I'll be in New Mexico this week visiting relatives so I won't be able to blog. We're going to see the Santa Fe Opera and go hiking around some of the most beautiful canyons. While I'm there I'll be on the lookout for prizes for my 200 blog follower contest so stay tuned. (I'll also be looking for another book of Native American flute music- beautiful melodies that I play on my regular silver flute and it still sounds nice.)
After I come back, I'll be doing a concert with my very own flute teacher. This is very special to me because of the difference she made in my life. I studied with her in high school, and then went on to study with her in college at UNH. She was my role model growing up, and has influenced my life for the better more than she knows! I wanted to be just like her, and although I never quite made it in height, she now treats me as one of her colleagues and it's very special for her to ask me to play alongside her. :) I'll post that video if it comes out well next week.
I'm still waiting on Agent #6. She's had my partial for over 6 weeks, so I'll drop her an email if I haven't heard from her when I get back. For those of you who asked: Yes, I've already exhausted all of the science fiction agents out there. (There aren't that many of them) As my good friend Theresa suggested, (go ahead and click on her blog. She did a really awesome review of my ebook, Malicifer) I may try some fantasy agents that don't specifically have sci fi. But I'm already considering other options for my manuscript just in case.
good luck with the agent , and have a great vacation!!
I had an English teacher that made a big difference in my class and a French teacher who believed in me. It's so wonderful when students find that kind of person to be a mentor. I'm glad you did so that we can enjoy your beautiful music. Good luck with #6 and the idea of a fantasy agent! I hope you have a save and fun vacation!
I don't know if this is going to work, it's not letting me post a comment.....trying again.
Have a great trip. And good luck on the agent.
Hope you have a great trip. It sounds so fun. I can't wait to see the video of your flute performance. Keeping my fingers crossed on the agent!
I hope you have a great vacation.
New Mexico? I know you will be taking pictures. Be sure to watch for UFOs. N.M. is famous for UFO you know.
Waiting for agent replies is the worst! --especially if you are as impatient as I am ;) Again, I hope you do get a great response when you get back. Have a great trip!
Good luck with the agent and enjoy your trip.
Aubrie, hope you have a wonderful time and good break from blogging!
Good luck with the agent Aubrie!!!
Have fun in New Mexico!
I hope you have a great vacation! And, that's awesome about the flute teacher. I know so many of my teachers have shaped who I am, and I'm so thankful to each and every one of them, even the bad ones. LOL!
Good luck on the agent front too! You never know! Don't give up.
Have a great vacation! And good luck with the agent. Maybe this one will say yes!
Enjoy New Mexico. We lived there several years ago. The state lives up to its name: The Land of Enchantment.
I still keep hoping for you on that agent!
Have a wonderful vacation. I look forward to your blog contest and concert with your flute teacher.
I hope you sell plenty of copies of Malcifer.
Have a great trip!
Hope you have a lovely holiday! Waiting for agent replies is so frustrating - wishing you lots of luck.
that is so cool that you're performing with your teacher!! i would be so scared!!
and p.s. that is so cool that you're seeing the santa fe opera!! i want to see them so badly!
Fingers are crossed for you with the agent. :)
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
I hope you have a wonderful vacation, and how awesome that you get to play flute alongside your teacher!
Enjoy your vacation, and best of luck with the agent!
Have fun on your vacation :) And definitely keep us posted on the agent situation! I'm getting ready to start querying soon myself, sooooo nervous!
Have fun on your vacation :) And definitely keep us posted on the agent situation! I'm getting ready to start querying soon myself, sooooo nervous!
Best of luck with the agent and enjoy New Mexico. I love Santa Fe. Fortunately my best friend lives there so I have an excuse to visit as often as possible. :)
I hope you're having a wonderful vacation and my fingers are crossed for Agent #6!
I love native american flute, please post a performance once you get the piece down. Pretty please. :o)
Have fun in the desert. New Mexico is beautiful. Also good luck with agent #6.
Enjoy your vacation and your concert:)
Oh my gosh...I would love to hear you play some Native American flute selections!! I think that would be sooo beautiful!
Good luck with the agent, and I hope you have a wonderful vacation! :)
Have a lovely time on vacation! And it sounds like you have a treat to look forward to when you come back - playing with your flute teacher. :)
Enjoy your vacation!
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