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This weekend I hope to:
*go to the movies
*go see fireworks
*bring my WIP (Colonization) from 20k to 23k
How about you? Any plans for the 4th?
Professional Flutist and Author of Science fiction, Fantasy, Romance, and Young Adult books
Ooh, what movie?
I've got a wedding to play tomorrow. Other than that, I have a ton of junk food and I am going to camp out at home, pig out, and be antisocial.
... sadly, that sounds like a perfect day to me. :-)
Sounds like a fun weekend! I have wedding ring shopping to do. :D
I love fireworks - enjoy your Fourth of July weekend!
I think tomorrow we're going to the zoo...tonight-movies on dvd. Sadly, I heard the Airbender movie wasn't good at all. I would love to find some fireworks! Have a safe and fun holiday!!!
Happy Fourth of July to you, too! :)
Write! Cause been in NZ means it's just another weekend :)
Great goals!
My 4th is going to be spent with family!
And working on promotion for my book.
Plus watching fireworks off my back deck.
Have a great holiday!
Sounds good.
I think we are doing a little family bbq.
In the morning, I plan to get some work done on my writing schedule and get ready to for next week.
Are you going to see Eclipse?
I'm not American, but I think I'll celebrate anyway - LOL!
Happy 4th of July!
I'm actually missing the 4th of July. I'm currently in LA waiting for my plane to NZ. I leave here on the 3rd and arrive in NZ on the 5th. I think there might be about 3 or so hours when I'm in the air when it is the 4th but besides that, nada. Enjoy your 4th! xo
BBQ today, sister's birthday. We saw fireworks last night with friends.
I've got to start research for a nonfiction assignment--did a little yesterday.
Happy 4th!
Have a great weekend. Any chance you're coming to see the Boston fireworks? We're watching from the Cambridge side.
It's raining here so I'll be reading and writing. Did see Eclipse yesterday though. So sounds like we have a similar "to do" list.
Happy 4th, Aubrie!
Happy fourth! :)
I've spent the weekend hanging out in the park. It's been brilliant weather here!
Great goals! I'd like to add another 5K to my WIP this week. Have a great holiday!
I plan to watch my beloved A's play baseball and enjoy the fireworks with my hubby and kiddos! :-)
Have a great day, Aubrie!
My plans are to try and brace myself for the last day of my 8 day straight work gauntlet as a blood courier.
I hope your 4th is everything you want it to be. Oh, great, it's starting to pour outside. IQ points of my fellow drivers always seem to plunge along with the rain drops. Roland
Sounds like a good weekend to me!
My plans consist entirely of unpacking, so it's not as fun.
Since I've been away for a while, I just wanted to wish you congrats on the many partial requests, and best of luck with finding an agent!
Have fun, Aubrie--and I've been enjoying "Jester's Folly"!
Happy Holiday Weekend!
My father is a New Yorker (Long Island, really) so we've always celebrated a bit with some special dessert or whatnot, even though he and all his siblings now live in Canada.
Hope you had a great weekend! I spent most of mine doing what I have been doing every day lately: cursing over my thesis until I give up and turn to blogging (the blogosphere understands me in ways my thesis never could...)
Woohoo I love movies!! Love fireworks! Love wonderful world of wips! Hope you got to do them all!
I had planned to enjoy fun in the sun with my family poolside (SO MUCH FUN!), finish my MS (WHICH I DID!!!), and watch fireworks from my wrap around balcony (beauty of living on the third floor, they were beautiful!)
I'm hoping to clean my house! Sounds glamorous, doesn't it? But we have guests coming and it's necessary!
Hope you had a great weekend!
How did it work out? I saw a great fireworks show yesterday.
My 4th was wonderful and I hope yours was, too. Back to work!
I noticed you visit Sandy Hyatt-James' blog. I was visiting there today because I noticed she just joined Penumbra Publishing's catalog, and she is a fellow Sci/Fi writer. I dropped her a line of encouragement.
Hope you accomplished your entire list :-)
Nothing in Aus, Though I do want to see Toy Story 3!!! Hope you had a great day, and did all those things!
So what movie did you see?
I hope you were successful with your wip.
We watched some fireworks, did a 5K and ate pizza. :)
Happy 4th to you! Hope everything happened as you wished. :)
Okay so I am waaaay late on commenting here, but I hope you had a great fourth, loved the movie and fireworks and totally killed it with your WIP. :)
Hope you had a fantastic fourth! It was rainy down here so we ended up watching the fireworks online....thanks to Google, Youtube, and hulu. Gotta love technology sometimes... ^_^
I'm a little late - but I hope you had a fantastic 4th! I watched the fireworks - did you end up seeing the movie?
My plans were to go to Florida! And that's where I am now :)
Happy belated 4th! Hope it was great for you.
My plans were to go to Florida! And that's where I am now :)
Happy belated 4th! Hope it was great for you.
Happy Independence Day to you, too! :)
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