I am so excited to report my first request for a partial!!!! I'm so relieved someone actually liked my query letter. Thank God.
Phew! Now that my moment of celebration is over, I want to tell you about my new WIP: The sequel to Paradise 21. Told from the perspective of one of the main character's great granddaughter, it continues the story of the Ark as it arrives on Paradise 21 and their colonization attempt.
What should I name it? I'm thinking of going with: Paradise 21: Colonization. And then I'll name the first one: Paradise 21: Voyage. Or can you think of something better?
The only problem is that the sequel is definitely YA. The granddaughter is in her teens, and it's told in first person. This is a major difference from the first book. What do you think? Can I have a spin off in another age group?
I think a spin-off in another age group is fine. I mean, that way your reaching a broader audience to begin with and those that are interested will cross those literary boundaries.
I think your titles are good, but then I'm horrible at picking titles for my stuff so I'm almost always impressed with others titles... so maybe take that as a grain of salt. If you like it though, I think it's the right choice.
Congratulations on the partial! That's really exciting.
Aubrie!! Congrats on the partial request -- Whoo-HOO!!! I'm so excited for you, girl :D
Titles are tricky, but I know the perfect ones will come to you. Best of luck with it!!
YAY! *throws confetti*
Yay, congratulations! :D :D
I think having a spin-off for a different age group will be tricky. It's certainly do-able, but tricky when it comes to selling the project to a publisher. If the first book is sold to an adult publishing house (I'm assuming the first book is an adult novel?), they might not want to or be able to publish the second book if it's YA. However, I'm not entirely sure how that works. It might be all right, depending on the editor and the publishing house.
Congrats on the partial! That is so exciting.
Congrats on the partial, chickadee. Good luck! I've no insight as far as spin offs and such, sorry.
I'm not sure about the spinoff to another age group. I'd ask a pro.
Congrats on your partial request!!! I'm amazed you just go from one project to the next. Love your ambition.
Age of protagonist doesn't Necessarily mean it's YA. There are plenty of Child POV's in George R. R. Martin's books and I wouldn't let a child near them. Tone and subject matter are more the concern...I fully believe you can have an adult novel from a younger person's pov.
In other news, Congrats on the request!!! *throws confetti*
I would keep playing with titles for Book 2... Paradise 21 is just so cool that the second one could be a similar style, but ...different. Or what if Paradise 21 is the name of the second book, and 'Voyage 506' or something is the first book...
Just throwing out ideas. Either wait, awesome!
Hey, YA is becoming the biggest thing. At my center, the parents (lots of public school teachers) are reading YA, their students are, at B&N I see lots of adults browsing the YA/Teen sections, I buy LOTS of YA myself, staff members do, too. YA books are imaginative, packed with actions, angst, wit...you cannot go wrong!!! And a big congratulations on the partial request!!!
I don't have any advice on the spin-off part either but congrats on the partial request. That's awesome and good luck!
Congrats and you can spin it as a "New Adult" genre. If you didn't want to go strictly YA.
I think the titles sound good. I'm so proud for you Aubrie!
Congrats! I think having a spin off in another group is ok. These days A LOT of adults read YA. It's quite the hot new trend. Maybe it will even force people who only read "adult novels" into the YA world, and vice versa.
Congratulations on the partial. I hope it all comes together for you. A spin-off into a different age group may or may not work. Helpful, aren't I?
Toes crossed for you. Fingers firmly planted on the key board.
Woohoo! Congrats on the partial request- I hope it turns into a full!
Good for you! I like your titles. I always struggle with mine. Many times I wait until I'm nearly done with a book before the title hits me.
Ya never know when inspiration will strike!
Eh, just because your new mc is a teen doesn't make it YA. I've read a ton of adult books featuring teens.
I'm excited for you!! Congratulations!
Congratulations on the partial request! I hope you get some good news soon:)
I agree with some of the others - just because the MC is a teen doesn't mean that is has to be a YA book. There are lots of books with young MCs that are shelved in the adult sections of bookstores.
Congrats on the partial. I'm so happy for you. I like your titles, but I'm really bad at naming things, so maybe you should take that with a grain of salt. :)
Congrats!! How exciting.
And as far as the titles go, I think the simplest ones are generally the best. So you're on the right track.
Good luck! Fingers crossed for you. :o)
Congrats on the partial! That's awesome.
You'll figure out your titles. I think what you've suggested sounds great. :)
Congrats on your partial...sounds like you are 'on your way':)
Ooh, congrats on the partial request. That's a great feeling!
Congrats! that is a wonderful feeling!
I think you could do a spin off in a different age group, but the writing can't be so different that it would turn off your original readership, you know?
Congrats! Fantastic!
Oh, titles are the bane of my existence. I am super rubbish at them, and I always seem to come up with ones that are already taken. My suggestion - brainstorm with someone out loud. That always seems to work best for me!
Good luck and have a great weekend!
I don't know the answer to your question, but someone will.
Congrats on the partial request!
Yay! Congrats on the request. I hope it turns into a full request, then an offer very soon. :)
Looks like you already got great advice about the spin off. Have a great weekend!
Congratulations! Fab news - as now you know your query letter works, and you are on your way! Yeay!
I agree with the other comments, that it doesn't ness make it a YA book having the main protagonist a teen. As for titles, they sound good to me. :)
Congrats on the partial request. That’s awesome! Good luck.
I don’t know about switching age groups. That’s a tough question. But the title will come to you.
Congratulations on your partial request that's fantastic!!!
I think a spin-off could be tricky moving to another age group, but maybe broadning it is exactly what you need. I say play around with it and see what works best! In time you'll know best :)
Congratulations on the partial request. Fingers crossed it turns into a full.
Don't see anything wrong with a spin off into another age group. Lot's of popular authors are doing it these days.
I like the titles!
Congrats! I hope your partial requests leads to even bigger and better things. Love the titles for your books. I think they'll both probably be marketed to the same audience, but I wouldn't worry too much about the differences. If people like the first, they'll like the second too.
I think the spin off to include a wider age group will work. Many parents, including myself, read YA.
And congratulations on moving forward to a partial. Very cool!
My copy of "Voices of Ire" arrived today. Thank you!!! I was having a really crappy day and it cheered me up immensely. I can't wait to read it.
Wow, congrats on the partial! :) That's great news!
As for the spin-off in another age group... I think it can be done, but it might be tricky. But you can never know for sure until you try, so I say, why not?
Congrats on the request!!!!!
Alyson Noel's YA series, Evermore, is going to have a spin off series for the MG market. So my answer is: why not?
Wow! Congratulations!
It must feel so good to get at least something from all that hard work!
This is great news! Be sure to keep us updated. Good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Congrats on your partial request! :D
Congrats on your partial request! That is so exciting!!!
I like your titles, they sound great to me.
I don't know about a spin-off for a different age group. I wouldn't think it would work too well since the people who want to read the second book will be the readers who read and liked the first book. I heard some great advice a while ago about how it's not a good idea to start writing a sequel before you've sold the first book anyway, because if the first book doesn't sell, the sequel is just wasted work. Now when I plan a series, I write the first book and synopses for any sequels, then work on something different so I'll have two books to query with.
Woo Hoo! Requests are always so exciting. I hope the agent loves it.
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! partial!!!! yes! Congrats!!
WooHooo!!! COGRATS on the partial request!!!!!!!
Crossing my fingers for it to turn to a full...and an offer for rep!!
Yay you! :)
Congratulations, that is absolutely fantastic. Best of luck!
For the age group, I think it depends on what the granddaughter is like. I feel that depending on the strength of the writing, it's possible to write a teenager's vantage point but maintain a maturity about it that will hook adults. Doing this successfully can get both adult AND YA audiences :)
-Lux Zakari
Congrats on the partial request! :)
Congratulations! I think spin-offs to different age-groups sound great, but I don't know how publishers would take it. Seems like when I'm researching agents they're always looking for one thing or another but not both.
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