I realized this week that my blogging has helped me improve on one of my New Year's resolutions: to be better at small talk!
Going to so many different blogs and trying to find a comment that is
A. Friendly
b. Positive
c. Non-political
d. Light hearted
e. Pertains to their post/their lives
has helped me interact with people in REAL LIFE. Imagine that?
Now I can talk about nothing/the weather/animals/music/whatever and have the conversation go smoothly without saying something awkward or weird.
Thank you, Blogger, for improving my relationships with people.
How has blogging helped you?
Blogging has mostly just helped me meet cool people like you.
Well, maybe not JUST like you... but similar. ;-)
Blogging has forced me to be more personable as well. I tend to be a loner on my days off but visiting and interacting with all the great bloggers out there has changed that. Now, I can't wait to "visit" and hear what everyone's been up to.
I agree. Blogging has helped my writing and the bonus is the friends I've made. :D
I've observed exactly the same thing... It's made me a bit snappier and more fluent in small talk and I'm not sure I like it.
Incidentally, it led me to reconsider the way I commented.
I decided to only comment if I really felt like I had something to say about the post or if I felt my input served a purpose other than adding a nice and innocuous +1 comment.
I try to act towards others as I would have them act towards me, and I'd rather have silence or even heartfelt insults rather that something that is merely a polite courtesy.
I may still be looking for a socially acceptable middle ground on that issue.
Hmm... I'm usually very awkward when it comes to small talk (and I figure, what's the point anyway?) but maybe I should try looking at blog comments that way... helping me with small talk... it's worth a brief experiment, anyway! It's a very interesting way to look at it, thanks for sharing! :)
I never thought of commenting helping with general conversation. It's definitely improved my writing. And I've made many friends along the way.
Blogging has helped me learn some minor computer skills. But most of all it has been wonderful for hanging with other writers. Being part of this writers community that we all have here...awesome!
Happy Weekend!
It's helped me a little but overall, I'm still pretty bad at small talk. Now random talk, I rule at that.
I just ate the best eggroll and it's not even 10:30!!
Oh this made me giggle (light-hearted, check).
I think blogging has helped my small talk as well for the exact same reason. (Pertains to their post/their lives - check).
It's so good you have highlighted this! (positive - check).
In fact, I am really pleased I found your blog. (Friendly - check).
And now I am going to eat some chocolate. (Non-political - check!)
I hadn't really thought about it, but you're right! Looking for a common point and trying to be pleasant and reinforce someone's effort is a learned skill.
Good observation!
Blogging forces me to have a schedule. I like to post at least twice a week and usually meet my goal.
It has also brought me into contact with some great people, Aubrie for one.
Small talk, yeah, I guess it has inspired me to talk to more people about what interests me rather than keep it to myself.
In that same way, by picking up on details and talking about them. Also, blogging has improved my writing voice.
omg me TOO! blogging has made even more peppy about life, in some strange, weird way. it's a great method of communicating with people, and if you do it right, it teaches you great life/social skills :D
so cool you experienced that, too!
great post!
Ha. I love that blogging has helped you this way. Blogging has helped me get out of my shell and actually talk to other writers! I had years with few to no writing friends at all. It can get lonely. (Actually, there were other reasons for my self-isolation too, but I won't get into those.)
Blogging and connecting with other writers has really helped me with everything from small talk to finding a community where I'm not the "quirky" girl. :)
I never thought about that but that makes total sense. For me I think (hope) my writing has improved with more thoughts that are coherent and less errors from the get-go.
Ugh, I hate small talk. HATE!
I think blogging has helped me to write without thinking too much or analysing every word. It's been really fun, too!
Hahaha. That's funny.
But now we need to elevate our comments to be more meaningful. If they are the equivalent of small talk, I sorta feel bad for all of us. That's a lot of small talk!
That's awesome! Good for you!! I just had my main character ponder over why her small talk skills seem to be deteriorating haha. Blogging has helped me find a community of tenacious, passionate writers! I'm very grateful for that!!
Ahhhh to blog....how do I love thee? Tis a wonderful release of my minds ideas. Once I have typed the thoughts from my mind onto my blog and pressed the post button, I am finally able let the idea go and move on with my day.
That is weird, but true.
Alesa- your comment about 'heartfelt insults' cracked me up. I can really relate to your post.
Palindrome - Random talk is my favorite of all talk. Today I am planning to pin a dog to the ground because the dog whisperer told me so.
Aubrie... you are the coolest of cool- always a pleasure :)
Blogging helps to keep me in touch with other authors.
I also fail at small talks, and blogging has certainly helped with that as well! I've learned so many things about writing through blogging, and I've also found such a welcoming a wonderful community of writers, which is the best thing, really. :)
This is so true about blog comment etiquette that translates into every day interpersonal communication!
I'm really bad at small talk. All those awkward silences...
So now I have an excuse to blog and comment even more!
I'm not sure if blogging has helped me with small talk, but I've found some great friends though it. :D
Have a great weekend!
How cool for you. Blogging has made me more focused on not just it but other things as well. Plus, I just really like visiting blogs and interacting. :)
I'm still terrible at small talk, because if I see a blog, I know what that person is interested in. I'm still afraid of people in real life. :-P
Blogging has helped my become a better writer, learn about my mistakes, and meet so many wonderful people. I was an extreme introvert, but feel that this outlet helps me speak out and speak my mind.
I think blogging has helped me not to rant :-) Sometimes I start composing blog posts in my head and then realise they're too whiny/ranty, and catch myself before I post them.
And I get to meet all these wonderful authors!
Hmmm, blogging has made me realize that there are people out there that I actually like. Maybe it is possible for me to have friends that I am not related to.
You won second place in the tarot reading drawing. Stop by and pick it up when you get the chance. http://tarotbycher.blogspot.com/
Blogging definitely is its own genre of conversation--and yes, it's very similar to small talk in some ways. I used to be awful at small talk--it's a bit of an art that has to be learned. Thanks for posting! Gave me something to think about.
Such an interesting post, Aubrie. I started my own blog to publicise my writing (when I knew very little about blogging) and soon found that it is possible to blog about anything, and there will usually be someone else who also finds it interesting. It's a great way of making on-line friends, and meeting new people. I'm so glad to have found you, and added another fellow author to my list.
(And thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my own blog today!)
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