My short story, Lion's Heart, is published over at Hazard Cat today! It's very short and will only take a minute or two to read it and leave a comment.
This story is special to me because it forced me to write outside my comfort zone and outside my genre. It's told from a teen boy's perspective and the setting is Africa! Enjoy :)
Also, I entered a one line contest.
I had this picture to go on and I had to create one line of a poem. They used my line!!! You can read the full poem here.

Oh, and the winners will be announced tonight for the first round of prizes.
Overall a very good day!
Sounds like more than a very good day - sounds like a great day! Congrats!
I can't wait to read "Lion's Heart" again. And, congrats on getting your one line of poetry accepted! Yay!
Wow! I can't believe your successes. I'll go check out your stuff.
Excellent! Yay!
Fantastic day, I would say. Congrats! I'm off to read the short story.
That's terrific! I'll try to stop by and read it sometime later today.
That is so wonderful. Double the congratulations!
Wow! How exciting! Your story sounds really interesting. I'll have to check it out :)
Wow - lots of fun news today! Thanks for letting us know. :-)
YAY!! Congratulations, that is fantastic news. I am going right over there to read it! *happy dance*
Congrats to you. What a great Monday. :)
Whoo! Congratulations.
Now that's the kind of news that you want to hear on a Monday. Congrats and great job!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are prolific! It's terrific that you keep putting yourself out there.
Congratulations. I have a soft spot for lions as they were my high school mascot.
Congratulations!!! You're published! that's fantastic!
Great story...I enjoyed it a lot..and left a comment!
What a great day for you!! I read your short at Hazard Cat, LOVED it!! Left you a comment there :)
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