**I'm looking for more authors to interview, so please leave a comment below if you are interested and we haven't already talked about it**
Donna Hatch writes Regency Romance for The Wild Rose Press and Fantasy. I reviewed her short story, Troubled Hearts, on my review blog here.
1. Your latest novel, Queen in Exile, came out on April 1st. (I can't wait to read it!) How is it different than your other books?
It's a fantasy, so it's a totally different world. My other books are Regencies, which are based on truth, sprinkled with fantasy. But they both involve world-building and a great deal of research, the Regencies more so than the fantasy, of course.
2. I love to interview other fantasy/romance authors like myself! Why did you choose the genre of fantasy romance? Or did it choose you?
It chose me. Fantasy has always been a favorite genre to read, dating way back to my junior high and high school days. I was one of those geeks who played Dungeons and Dragons and I'm also a rabid Tolkien fan. Queen in Exile is actually a many times over revised version of a fantasy I wrote back in high school.
3. With six children, how do you find time to write? Do any of them read your stories?
I write mostly at night when they are bed, but now that they are all in school, I write in the morning while they're gone before I have to go to my day job. My oldest daughter, who's a teen, has read them all. Some of them more than once. She helps proof them for me. She's still looking for her own Kai...
4. What was the biggest challenge for you to write? How did you overcome it?
Being objective is a real challenge. I think my manuscripts as my babies and they are all beautiful to me. It's hard to know what scenes to cut and what scenes to change. I do a real deep editing, several times, before I send in a manuscript. This requires a lot of objectivity to examine every chapter, every paragraph, every word, to determine what needs to be changed. I wouldn't be able to do it without the help of my wonderful critique partners.
5. Here's the zany question: How do you feel about unicorns? I'd love to write an entire novel about them, but they seem to be old news these days.
What's not to love about them! They'd take me back to my childhood.
Thank you for the interview!!! Queen in Exile is available at Costco and Amazon, and your local bookstore.
Here is Donna's Website.
Thank you, Donna! I can't wait to read it.
And here's Queen in Exile on Amazon.
That must have been a lot of fun to do!
How was the interview carried out? Was it face to face? Skype/phone? Email? I ask merely because this would make a great base for a podcast.
The interview was done through email! But it would make for a great podcast...
Nicely done. I love hearing/reading interviews with authors - this one no exception!
Yup, and unless I miss my mark completely, I'm betting you know your way around audio editing software with your eyes closed, so editing a hypothetical interview would be a breeze for you.
It was interesting to get a look into an author's creative process... Thanks for sharing this.
Great interview! And the book cover is beautiful.
I'm impressed that Donna finds the time to write with six kids. I am able to do it with two, but I'm sure each child takes away that much more time. Having you teen reading and editing your work must be cool.
Good luck with the book!
You asked great questions!!I love reading about how authors get their work done. I don't even have kids and still find it difficult.
Thanks for sharing this!
Sounds great! That cover looks lovely!
Cool post. Love the unicorn question. Just the other day I heard something about a unicorn ranch . . .
I love that the genre chose her. That can be so true. Thanks for the interview.
SIX kids AND writes?! Man, oh man.
Beautiful book cover.
Wonderful interview! I can't wait to read Donna's book, too. Do you interview aspiring authors too?
PS--I love fantasy romances. I've been searching high and low for them, I hope they're saturating the market now.
LOVE the book cover, Donna. I'm impressed that you can write with kids and a full time job. You're a inspiration. Can't wait to read it!
Six kids! Impressive! What a cool interview! I follow Donna on Twitter!
My newest book Miraculous Deception, Book Two Future Imperfect will be out June and if you are interested in doing an interview, just let me know!
P.I. Barrington
Good interview--I especially like the "objective how to" so difficult for all us writers.
Wonderful interview! I love unicorns too. Sounds like the books are great too. I'll have to check them out.
Thanks, Aubie! I really enjoy reading author interviews. Love the book cover, too.
Wonderful interview. I enjoyed reading the interview and the review.
You give great interview. :)
Great interview!
I think I've seen the book cover before for this book, but I don't know where. It's fantastic, and it sounds like a good book, too.
Great interview. I enjoy reading them. I wonder about a novel of unicorns. Hmm....
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