This is my dog, Jedi with his new candy cane dog treats. He's pretty excited about the holidays because I'm home more to take him outside and spend time with him. He's a wire haired miniature doxen (There are three kinds: smooth, long, and wire) and that's why he has whiskers! Named after the "Jedi Knights", he's an excellent guard dog. ( Until people see how big he really is). But, oh well.
I'm excited about the holidays because I've bought so many special presents for my family and I can't wait to see their faces when they open them! We're doing a Christmas sing a long and are going to have the traditional Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. (Vegetarian, of course) My brother is getting married to his long time girlfriend from high school on New Years Eve!!! They are having a small ceremony in their barn with poinsettas and birch bark as decorations.
I'm also excited to get a bunch of books that I've requested including:
The Boneshaker
Me and Mr. Darcy
Under the Dome
What did you ask for this holdiay???
I'm getting a bunch of books that I asked for for Christmas and I THINK I'm getting a book a Million gift card from my MIL. (I hope anyway) LOL
Hope you have a great Christmas!
Books, books, and more books :D But, I'm really looking for my new Writer's Market!
Aww! Jedi is so cute!
I'm getting a Kindle for Christmas. I can't wait to buy UR by Stephen King. It's the first one I said that I would buy when I got one. As for any other gifts, I have no clue.
I hope you have a great holidays!
Thanks for commenting gals! Books are really the best gift!! Besides chocolate, and Cherie already got me that. :)
I love Jedi! My pups get treats and toys for xmas too.
I asked Santa to send me my future husband, but that's a tall order to fill so as a backup plan I put a lot of books on my list. :)
Karen’s Blog
I asked for Hunger Games and Catching Fire. So want to read those. Merry Christmas! I hope you have a great one. And what a cool night for a wedding! Jedi is a cute dog! Love the name!
Hi Aubrie, love Jedi, he's so cute! Welcome to Inde-Debut, I too am a member. My novel, The Trinity Saints won't be out until later 2010
I look forward to reading yours!
All I want for Christmas is for my cover art artist to send me a proof!
That sounds like an exciting holiday! Your doggie is adorable.
I'm getting new dishes! We'll have enough plates so the whole family can have a big one--I can't wait.
I'm getting Jeff Herman's Guide to Agents! Yes! Merry Christmas.
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