Today I'm excited to welcome author Karen Amanda Hooper to my blog! I'm currently reading Tangled Tides and I LOVE it! Full of mystery, love, and adventure, this is one awesome mermaid story.
I've interviewed Karen for today. Below is a pretty picture of her and the great answers she came up with.

1. First, I'd love to hear about how your publisher came up with your amazing cover! What did you think when you first saw it?
We discussed my vision for the cover and they gave my ideas to my cover artist, Melissa Williams. She and I worked together for a couple weeks to get it to what you see today. I had input and say every step of the way which made me very happy. I actually did a whole post about it here. You can see the process from start to finish. http://yaconfidential.blogspot.com/2011/11/undercover-wednesday-tangled-tides.html
2. Have you always been interested in mermaids? What attracts you to them?
Yes, I've loved them since I was a toddler. Some of my favorite toys were Sea Wees dolls, and I loved the movie SPLASH, and of course, THE LITTLE MERMAID. I'm attracted to anything ocean related. The beach, boats, sea life, etc. Writing TANGLED TIDES gave me a chance to let my imagination run wild about what could be going on beneath the surface.
3. Have you seen Disney's Little Mermaid? What do you think of it?
Ha! See above answer. I was raised by parents who are Disney fanatics, and I inherited their love for all things Disney. I adore Ariel's story, but I always thought she was crazy for wanting to give up her underwater world for a human life. I guess the grass--or ocean--is always greener on the other side.
4. How do you find the time to keep up with your fantastic blog and write?
*sigh* I have felt like such a blog slacker lately. My posts are short and sporadic, and I feel awful because I don't have time to visit and comment on blogs. It's just been so crazy getting ready for my book release, but I hope to find balance again after my book is out. However, if you know a secret to creating more hours in the day, that would be extremely helpful.
5. How did you find Rhemalda Publishing? They look like an awesome publisher.
The fabulous Michelle Davidson Argyle referred me to them. I was talking to her about self-publishing my story, but she told me I should submit it to Rhemalda first. I didn't think I had a prayer in the world (tons of agent rejections had killed my confidence) but a few weeks later I had a book deal. It was crazy and it's still kind of surreal, but my experience with Rhemalda has been wonderful.
6. What's next for you?
I have to finish writing book 2 of The Sea Monster Memoirs. I purposefully ended the book in a way that readers would feel they had closure, but everything didn't turn out as happily-ever-after as it appeared. There's a tiny clue in one of the last chapters that hints at what book 2 will be about, but I was very ninja-like with it, so it's hard to figure out. *insert evil laugh here*
I also have a different YA series that revolves around reincarnation. It's near and dear to my heart, so eventually I hope to publish that as well. Then there's two totally different books that I started and can't wait to finish writing. See, I told you I need more hours in the day.
7. Where can we find you on the web?
Links to my blog, all my social networking sites, and the stores where TANGLED TIDES can be purchased are also easy to find on my website.
Thanks so much for having me on your blog, Aubrie. I'm eternally grateful for the support.
Thanks for stopping by and good luck with Tangled Tides! I'll have a fabulous review for you soon!
Here's where people can buy it on Amazon.
Thanks so much for hosting me on your gorgeous site, Aubrie. This interview was a lot of fun. :)
I hope you enjoy the story. *hugs*
"...if you know a secret to creating more hours in the day, that would be extremely helpful."
Can I have that secret too, please?
Great interview! And good luck with "Tangled Tides". I loved Disney's "The Little Mermaid" when it came out. I don't know how many times I saw it.
I have heard great things about this book, and I can't wait to read it!
Interesting interview -- thank you Karen and Aubrie!
I'm absolutely loving reading TANGLED TIDES. Great interview! And wouldn't the ocean be bluer on the other side? ;)
That is an exciting cover. Enjoyed the interview and looking forward to the book.
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