1. How did you find Gypsy Shadow Publishing? (My publisher as well!) Why did you decide to go with them?
I believe I was on Duotrope’s when I found Gypsy. I scrolled through, reading the names of the publishers and what they were looking. I stopped when I got to Gypsy. The name intrigued me. At the time, I thought it sounded sexy and exciting. I’m sure Charlotte and Denise will laugh at that one. It just seemed to be a name that fit. In other words, it felt right. I submitted and the rest is, well . . . published.
2. Tell us about your new release with GSP!!!
‘Callie’s Fate’ is an erotic romance. When I first thought about what was important to me in my writing, erotic and romance was far from my list of “needs to be written”.
Erotica happened to be a section in my writing course, so I gave it a whirl. When it was finished, it was not a piece I was particularly happy with, nor was my publisher. Thankfully, it got accepted with a note to “rewrite it”. I did and ‘Callie’ was reborn.
As a writer, you need to have the ability to become your characters -- to feel, think and respond the way they would. It was difficult for me to let go and write such intimate scenes. I blushed many times during the process, but I managed to come up with something worth publishing.
3. What are some common themes in your writing?
Military/Romance, Military/Suspense, Military/Erotica. I hold an extreme fascination for those who enter into a life of service to others. The fact is these people give up their life for us -- for freedom.
Sure, you can (or could) get your education paid for, and that option is one that definitely gets young people to enlist. The fact is, once you enlist, you no longer belong to yourself.
There are many downsides to military life that don’t include getting shot at or firing upon another human. It takes a special type of person to be able to live that kind of life, and so often the hardships go unnoticed by those of us who live the civilian life.
There will be other genres that will be enticed onto the screen by my worn keyboard. However, at the moment, this is the subject that is closest to my heart.
4. How do you balance writing with two kids? (I have zero kids, and I still have to cram writing time in sometimes.)
Oh, wow! There’s supposed to be a balance? I keep telling myself that one day it will get easier (I’m not sure if I’m referring to the writing or my children). It’s almost humorous the amount of times I say “I worked less when I had a full-time job.”
There are a few perks to being able to stay at home and do what I love. Oh, wait! I get to stay at home and do what I love! As long as I work at home, there never will be a balance. I’ve accepted that fact.
What I try to do now, is organize my home as I would an office. The whiteboard is up, it has what I need to accomplish every day of the current month written across it. So it is written, so it shall be done (in theory anyway).
I also review books for Great Minds Think Aloud. My time is divided between the kids, the four month old puppy, writing and reading. Some days, I think a partial balance is reached once I’ve done an hour or so of kickboxing. After that, my brain is sufficiently cleared. Heck, I’ve come up with some of my best story lines while sparring. I find it takes away the overwhelming desire to run away and get a “real” job.
5. Tell us about your favorite character in your new release! Do you picture anyone in particular to play him/her?
Well, there are only three characters in it. And two of them are incredibly matched between the sheets. All of my female characters so far are strong-minded, physical, no-nonsense, and sexy-as-hell. Weakness has never been a trait I’ve cared for. My female leads, though flawed somehow, are never in need of a man -- they are in want.
I would say my favourite in ‘Callie’s Fate’ would have to be Christian. It’s not often (if ever) you would find a man as yummy as him. Who would play him? Antonio Banderas, perhaps?
6. What did you read as a kid? How has that influenced your writing today?
I read a lot of fables when I was young. I must confess, I don’t remember being particularly taken with a series or author. However, there is one book that will forever remain in my memory. My sister had a copy of ‘The Peculiar Miss Picket’. The main character is an old woman who shows up to babysit two children. What they don’t know is that she has special powers. When she takes off her glasses she can make things move and transport them to places. Talk about the best babysitter ever!
I must have read that book a thousand times. I now read it to my daughter. The pages are falling out and the cover is worn, but it still holds the same magic when I open it up.
7. Any advice for writers?
Fall in love with your story. Then walk away. Do something else. Write something else, anything else. When you can’t remember what that first story was about, go back to it. If you’re still in love with every word, you’re a better writer than I will ever be! Send it out and wait for your millions. If you rip it apart and curse yourself for ever believing it was good enough to be published in the firs place, welcome to the fold, my friend.
The power of time gives us greater clarity. Walk away. Take a breath. Come back. Start again. Now you’re a writer.
Thank you for doing the interview!
It has been my extreme pleasure, Aubrie. Thank you so much for hosting me!
And now for her new release!!!
Buy at Gypsy Shadow Publishing.
Buy on Amazon
Nice job, ladies! Great interview.
Great interview! Its so great to hear of people balancing motherhood and writing. And that cover is quite steamy! Love it :)
Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)
It's so nice to read about other writers trying to balance the writing time with the kids. I enjoyed your voice in this. Congrats on the publication. :)
Great interview. Glad to hear I'm not the only one struggling to get the balance right!
Loved the interview. I had to chuckle when I read "There's supposed to be a balance?" Wow, I can relate! Particularly on those days my youngest is not at preschool and I'm trying to finish writing a chapter before the oldest arrives home from school and I can spend time with her. I, too, love the name of Gypsy Shadow. Thanks for this interview. It's nice to know more about fellow GSP authors!
Interesting and entertaining. Let me know when life is supposed to balance!
Nice interview and excellent advice. Balance? The kids all grew up and mostly left home, but I'm still looking for balance.
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