So I started querying agents to get my feet in the water, and the first slew of rejections have come in. It's always shocking when I finish a seven month project, polish it up, and then get the first round of "No thank you, not for me." I stare at the screen with my mouth hanging open until it sinks in.
Part of me wants to stay in my safe ebook world and not bother with the big time. But we should all reach for the stars.
I found this wonderful article about how famous authors were rejected time and time again. I suggest if you've had any rejections recently to read it. It will cheer you up!
That is such a bummer about the rejection. You'll get there, and that's so cool that you're books coming out soon. But you sound like you are still brimming with a positive attitude :)
I'm going to go have a look at that article, I've never had my writing rejected, but I've had lots of experience with my artwork :) Thanks!
Sorry to hear that - but never give up. Keep querying!!
I am so sorry, and I do understand...I wrote a devotional, completely unique...and was rejected by everyone...I'm glad to know there are people out there like you who don't give up....good luck! It will happen!
Aww. Thanks, Aubrie. I needed that.
I'm sorry to hear about the rejections, but you seem to be handling it well. We should all be so positive. :)
Just remember it's their loss.
Rejection sucks. But you know what, I look at you and think you've already made it! And all those e-books are certain to help you with the agents, I'm sure! You'll get there, you'll totally make it to the big time!
Rejections totally suck, no debating that. Just keep at it- reach for the stars!
Oh, it's hard! I hate rejection, but it's good to build up that thick skin during the agent search because there's still plenty of rejection during editor submission phase. I hope you start getting some great requests soon!
I know it must be tough getting those first rejections, but sooner or later you'll find that perfect agent. Good luck:)
I'm sorry to hear about your first slew of rejections, just remember, getting rejections is the first step to getting published. Every big time author has been rejected.
Your one step closer.
Don't give up. You are talented, and you know, the EBook world may be safe, but we're writers, if we wanted to be safe, we'd keep our projects hidden away on our computers and never show them to anyone.
It only takes one yes. That's what I keep telling myself. I've been collecting rejections from agents for my fantasy YA novel, but I'm just about ready to send it out again after majorly revising it. Good luck, Aubrie, and keep the faith! You'll get there. :)
Rejections are really hard, but hang on in there! As you know the very best were rejected dozens and dozens of times.
You've already had more success than a lot of authors achieve, so you can take that as encouragement that your writing is of a good standard. Every step you've taken has helped you build your skills and professionalism, and so none of your work is wasted!
Thanks, I needed that.
I'm at 55 rejections and 16 no replies, but I keep truckin' since that's just the tip of the iceburg :-)
Ugh, rejections... but the fact that you're getting them means you're submitting, which puts you ahead of so many "one-day" novelists! It sucks... but someday, someone will give you that one acceptance that makes it all okay! It'll happen!
I am feeling your pain. Literally. going to check out that article cuz I'm going to need it! A lot!
Excellent post, Aubrie! Thank you for reminding us there's hope.
I'm still better with rejections than with being ignored. I have no problem with "not for me." But "you're not worth a form rejection" really bothers me. I'm trying to get over it! :)
You must keep trying, Aubrie dear. I really am enjoying reading Paradise 21, and I'm not even a sci fi reader. So, I believe the book definitely will have readers of all genres. Don't give up.
When I come to query it will be a five year project - oh how any rejection will sting! But we should always reach for the stars, no matter what. You'll get there!
Oh yes. Give yourself a few minutes to mourn, be angry, cry, whatever. Then move on. Send it out again. Be persistent. Start a new project.
Glad to hear you are still looking up at the stars where abundance an opprotunity is boundless!
Sorry about the rejections. :( Don't give up! You can do it.
Btw, there's an award for you on my blog. :)
Ditto on the bummer. But don't let it bum you out!
Rejections just plain suck. There's no way around it!
Thanks for the link!
Crap. I'm sorry Aubrie. I hate rejections. But--good for you for putting youself out there! Oddly, I've been doing a wednesday series on finding the positive in rejection letters. Today's post is up...maybe it will help? http://lux-st-clare.blogspot.com/
Cheers for getting out there!
I hate - simply hate - form rejections for novel queries. I can deal with it for short stories, because there's investment of time, but form rejections still really, deeply offend me. I've spent literally years on some projects and I can't even get a minute for a single personalized line?
Of course, intellectually, I totally understand that the number of queries an agent receives makes this nearly impossible. But it doesn't keep me from being peeved. It's just a general, haze-of-anger peeve which I then dispense with. ;-)
I personally can't wait until I start receiving rejections!! but I'm weird like that.
CHIN UP! You'll find the right agent/publisher! :)
Meanwhile, keep writing!
I'm sorry. Rejections hurt, no matter how much you prepare yourself for them. I'm glad to hear that you won't give up, though. Just remember: all it takes is one agent who loves your work completely. Good luck!
That article WAS wonderful! And just what I needed today.
Good luck, Aubrie. You'll get there--you're full of the stuff it takes!
I've been there when it comes to rejection. I know it's a real bummer, and it's more tempting to give up than to keep going. But I have faith that you'll get there.
I know firsthand what a gifted writer you are. Don't give up. :)
And thanks for the link, very interesting!
Sorry to hear about your rejections. I can definitely relate.
I saw that article yesterday. It is great. I was amazed at how close Harry Potter came to never being published.
Wow!! The rejections are the suckage, yes. I love to go on Querytracker, though.
A lot of times people will put up their stats once they find an agent and ones that inspire me look like this:
150 Queries
120 rejections
7 requests for partials
5 requests for fulls
1 offer
(I know those numbers don't add up, but you get drift X))
And it really reminds me of the Numbers involved and to keep plugging away. It doesn't mean your manuscript doesn't work - it just doesn't work for that agent!
Hi Aubrie!!! :)
At least you've found light at the end of the tunnel and have still stuck in the waiting pool. It's important not to give up when you get the first rejection in. It's a sign you are getting there, a sign you are a real writer! Even the best writers have been rejected over a dozen times!
You're time is out there... you just have to be patient!
I can't wait until I get my first rejection (sarcasm) but I'll be glad to have others around me to help me push through and understand what I'm going through!
Thanks for the link. Rejection sucks. I know how you feel. Just wait until you get that first request- I wouldn't wish a rejection on a full or partial on ANYONE!
I read that article before. It's a real eye-opener. Sorry for all the first rejections. But keep that chin up! Never stop querying.
I have an award for you at my blog. The post will be up soon.
Although rejections are part of the deal, they suck. Best of luck with your search. You are so talented you'll find the right match.
Enjoyed the article. Gives us all hope. Thanks!
Keep your head up and keep plugging. Rejection is just part of the game!
Great article, thanks for sharing.
On the querying, your time will come, I know this. Keep your chin up and pen to paper. :)
Try to think of every rejection as a stepping stone...notice it but don't focus on it..and just skip on over it...focus on the next big step. Great article...thanks for posting it.
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