The Voices of Ire is a Young Adult epic fantasy and the first novel I wrote after I decided to pursue publication. Told through multiple viewpoints in the style of Tolkien, I wrote it without any market trends, literary agents, or publishers in mind. For awhile it sat on my c drive collecting virtual dust until I decided to polish it up and submit it to Wyvern Publications, an independent press that focuses on teen fiction. The title of the company caught my attention because I knew they would like fantasy!
And now here it is in paperback! Here's the Amazon link.
To celebrate, I'm giving away two signed copies. All you have to do is leave a comment and tell me your favorite fantasy character, whether it be from LOTR, or another book. The winners will be chosen on Friday afternoon. So you have until then to enter.
Good luck! I'll leave you with the back cover blurb:

Rightyho, my fav fictional character I THINK is Zaphod Beeblebrox from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy because he's one cool frood. Also he says "I'm so hip, I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis" and that makes him SO cool :)
Thank you for just posting on my post that I wrote about clothes lines, which brought me here to read your post for the day. And I'm so glad to find this link for your book. With the money I have set aside to buy a book or two each month and support a writer (which are now my blogger friends) I'll buy yours. I'm not a great reader of fantasy, but I've read a few I like. Yours sounds intriguing. It'll be a few weeks until I can get it, but I'll get back to you when I've got it.
Whoo hoo! A box of books!! And they have your name on it! :D
My favorite fantasy character... hmmm.....It's a three-way tie: Mrs.Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which from A WRINKLE IN TIME (they count right??) Otherwise... I like the Ents in LOTR. :D
Oh that so cool.
My favorite fantasy character is Enna from ENNA BURNING (YA fantasy) by Shannon Hale. It's also my favorite of Shannon's books.
Awesome! That is so cool (and inspiring to me, because I've written an epic fantasy that is currently sitting on my c drive - I actually just began revising it again today after a year-long break!)
My favorite character is Keenan Beckett, who you won't know because he's the mc of the book that's still sitting on my c drive. But he's my favorite epic fantasy character, right before Aragorn. :)
This is really, really amazing. Congrats!
My favorite fantasy character is Eugenides from Megan Whalen Turner's THE THIEF series. He's wickedly smart. :)
Severus Snape. That, of course, should have been fairly obvious to anyone who reads my mini bio.
Congrats on the book! It looks beautiful.
I have to pick a favorite? Are you serious?
I can't. I've gone through Sam, Aragorn, Frodo, Bilbo, Merry, Gandalf, Pippin, Lucy from the Chronicles of Narnia, Hermione Granger, Elinor Dashwood, Emma Woodhouse...
It's impossible to pick just one.
Okay, my absolute favorite is my own hero, Faldur.
Are you happy?
“Fly beyond the sun and wait for me there.
We will meet one day in the eternal light.
Fly ahead, my friend, where no weapon can pierce you.
Fly to your rest, and be at peace.”
I so seldom read fantasy ... does Harry Potter count?
Oh God the choices! My goodness, I don't think you could have picked a harder question to answer! To be different, I pick Artax from The Neverending Story.
Oooh, Artax! That's a good one.
I have to change my vote. I suddenly remembered who my favorite character is... created by someone else, that is.
Lord Peter Wimsey. He's like James Bond, Mr. Darcy and Bertie Wooster all rolled into one. He's probably the most complex character I've ever read, also.
Dear, dear Peter!
Was there every any mystery writer better than Dorothy Sayers? I think not.
Congratulations! I'm so excited for you. You don't have to put me in for the drawing, though. I already bought my copy from Amazon and waiting to see you in person for you to sign it. *grins*
As for my favorite fantasy character from LotR, it would be Gandalf. Favorite fantasy character in general: Severus Snape. I think he is one of the most complex good/bad characters around.
My favorite fantasy character is Maledicte from the book of the same name by Lane Robins. :)
I love Achmed from the Symphony of Ages series by Elizabeth Haydon.
Congrats on the publication!! That's so awesome!
That's awesome!! And what a gorgeous cover ;)
It's hard to pick a favorite character. Probably Alanna the Lioness from Tamora Pierce's books, since she was the first True fantasy author I ever read.
OOooOOh! Intriguing. So, my favorite character would be .... oh my goodness it's so hard to choose! I like so many. I love Hermione, and since I'm rereading the Harry Potters right now I'll stick with that :) You're book looks lovely!
Wow! Congrats! How cool to hold something like that in your hands! I won't enter because I'm international, but my favourite fantasy character? Actually, I'm with Mia - I love Zaphod!
That's so cool. Congrats. My favorite character from Tolkien or any other book is Sam Gamgee.
That looks like an awesome book:)
Ooh, this is hard, but I guess my favorite character from a fantasy book would have to be Katsa from Graceling. That was one tough chick!
Wow! Congrats!
My fav. fantasy character? I'd have to go with paranormal characters--kill me but I still love Bella. She's just so real to me and I love that she's a klutz.
Oh my goodness!! What a marvelous box of books! I'm so happy for you. How exciting to see your book in print. And how cool that you want to share it. I would love to win!!
My fave LOR character is Sam! I love his protective nature and his bumbling, happy attitude. He was such a beautiful character.
You're prolific and not scared of taking chances. It's inspirational!
I'm going this weekend to see if I can find one of your books at Barnes & Noble-I love YA books and fantasy-they're a nice break from murder and mystery or even the classics. I have to agree with everyone else-just one? Stefan from Koontz's Lightening, Raistlin Majere from Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Einstein from Koontz's Watchers, Odd Thomas, ...I should stop....good luck everyone!
Congrats! That's awesome, and I look forward to reading it!
Since I'm reading the 5th Harry Potter now, I'll list my favorite character from the HP series... well, I have so many favorites, but I'll go with Hagrid. :)
YAY @ it in paperback! Congrats!
Guess I'm too late for the contest, but congratulations! :)
My favorite fantasy character has to to Mad-Eye Moody from Harry Potter.
This is really cool! My favorite fictional character from Lord of the rings is Gandalf. In general, my favorite fictional character is Sirius Black from Harry Potter.
My favorite fantasy character? mmmm, Harry Potter.
Wow...favorite characters...but there are so many.
I'd have to say I LOVED Hagrid...I loved the main characters..but, his character was so endearing..I just 'fell in love'.
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