Sometimes it's really nice to have two things going. When flute is slow, I write, and when writing is slow, I work on flute. But sometimes they clash! Like right now. I have this major concert tomorrow night: I'm playing the Mozart flute and harp concerto in front of the Lakes Region Symphony, which leaves no time for NaNoWriMo. Yes, I'm way behind at 5,700 words. I'll need to do some serious catching up to make it to 50K by Nov. 30th.
How many of you out there are juggling two or more careers? And what do you do when they bump up against one another?
Good luck with the concert! I'm always juggling kids,etc. with writing. Kids come first, but writing makes me happy, and if Mom ain't happy...
I bet kids are like a whole extra career/job! Writing makes me happy too! :) Thanks for the well wishes!
I'm going to school full time to earn my degree in agriculture education. I'm taking 17 hours this semester so it's a full load and finding time between labs, study sessions, and homework can sometimes become a little crazy. I hate it when I want to write this really awesome part and I can't because I have to go to class.
It was very difficult to find time writing when I don't have time at work to do it because I used not to have a computer at home. Now, that I have my laptop, it is much easier. So, when things are slow at the library, I can write, and when they aren't, I can write at home.
Good luck with the concert and novel. I know you will get it done. What I've read so far (chapter one) was awesome!
Thanks guys, you are the best. If you can find time to write, than I should be able to as well.
Cherie, congrats on your new laptop!
Bethany, 17 hours is alot! Phew!
Good luck with the concert and with catching up on your Nano story!
My jobs: mother, wife, and author. And being a stay at home mom is definitely a full time job. It doesn't make for a lot of free time for writing so I usually have to sacrifice sleep in order to get any writing done. But I figure it's worth it. I've wanted to be an author since I first learned how to write and nothing will stop me from being an author.
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