My Seasons of Fantasy Series is now complete and available at Gypsy Shadow Publishing! I've added new scenes and more dialog to each short story, completing the series. My goal is to publish a print book of all four with illustrations, but that's far off from now.
In honor of the new releases, I'm giving away one of the short stories in the series. To enter the drawing, all you need to do is comment below stating your favorite season of the year. Mine is summer, and sadly, it's over for now. And my least favorite is Winter, but the conflict in Winter makes for good writing! I think Winter Queen came out the best because of it.
You can comment even if you've never commented before. In fact, that would be wonderful to see some new faces as well.
These ebooks are all available at www.gypsyshadow.com
Good luck!
Cool! My favorite season is autumn. I love the colors and the beautiful weather and the apples and pumpkin flavored goodies. Plus the five birthdays, as I may have mentioned before.
Hey! I love summer also! It gives me the most time to do what I love...be outside!!
Autumn is pretty wonderful, but my favorite has to be spring. I love how life reawakens each year, starting out as tiny buds of life and blooming into beautiful flowers and trees. Baby animals are born too, and they are just so cute!
Thank you all for commenting! No one commented for the first day and I felt so down...like who wants my books?
Angie Lofthouse is the winner!
These stories look good. I'll have to check them out!
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